Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

In the latest twist to the St Ann's saga (see here for context), Julie Davies, the Haringay NUT teacher rep, has been suspended pending an investigation into allegations of misconduct by her employer - Haringey Council. This is politically motivated, the Labour Party suspect that she was leaking me material in my St Ann's vote rigging investigation last year.

The allegations are that she has been disrespectful to Barbara Blake, tweeted about Sheila Peacock and provoked two letters of complaint from primary and secondary heads in the borough. She is banned from speaking to councillors, governors, school staff and council employees without permission and she cannot speak to the media at all. Because she was suspended yesterday it will be six weeks before they can begin the investigation (school holidays innit).

I guess my attitude of "I lost, they won. Leave it" may have to be reevaluated if they are going to come after people for revenge. My own legal mess with the Haringey MPS rumbles on with the police currently missing statutory deadlines for giving information about me to my solicitor.

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In January 2012, a Haringey Council spokesman said of Julie Davies: "It is more efficient to negotiate with a (Union) rep than (with) thousands of teachers, which would be more expensive."

Time, perhaps, for thousands of Haringey's NUT to let their Labour Council know how really expensive it is  to deal with them en masse, if you mess with their rep.

On the other hand, if Haringey Labour had thousands of real members they, too, might be tricky enough to deal with.

Poor Labour Council! Time for Headmistress Claire to treat her senior people to a Muswell Hill-style refresher course at a nice 5* spa - [pending an investigation into allegations of misconduct by Haringey Council] 

The suspension happened on the last day of the summer term...

The NUT are of course chasing this, here. There is a petition that you can sign against this, here. The morningstar seem to have something without lifting it from HoL here and here.

AGAIN - please sign the petition HERE!



This article from the Haringey Independent is very interesting. http://bit.ly/WDx3MZ

When giving reasons for the suspension the council reportedly referred to a critical email sent by Ms Davies to a councillor, and cited the re-tweeting by Ms Davies of a newspaper article criticising former mayor Sheila Peacock.
The council also said it had received complaints from head teachers regarding Ms Davies.

The terms of Ms Davies's employment are unclear. As an elected representative, Ms Davies effectively remains a teacher at Northumberland Park School, however, she is paid from a council fund that is collected from school contributions.

The fund, known as facilities time, effectively enables a full-time representative to be free to perform union duties without costing any one particular school disproportionately.

The borough’s secondary schools, which are required by law to provide a paid union representative to their staff, now say they will not continue to pay into the fund unless the NUT elects a different representative.

Ms Davies, who lives in the St Ann’s ward, reportedly emailed her ward councillor, Councillor Barbara Blake, to complain about her bins not being collected.

She then sent a second email to Cllr Blake referring to the controversy surrounding her selection as a Labour candidate in September 2013.

The selection process in the St Ann’s ward was subject to accusations that votes for prospective candidates were swung by “illegal” party members who had no right to vote.

The London Labour Group investigated the incident in 2013 following complaints, and held that “the selection was safe and run in accordance with Labour Party rules.”

Among the complainant head-teachers are Patrick Crozier, of Highgate Wood School, and Helen Anthony, of Fortismere School.

Helen Anthony declined to comment on the matter. She has previously faced strike action from NUT members at her school following allegations of “bullying”.

Patrick Crozier has not responded to the newspaper’s request for a comment.

Julie Davies was unable to comment while suspended.
Just so you know, I requested my details from the Met in early February. When I complained to the ICO, they requested a response in 28 days. So I still have no reply over 100 days after the request.

So much for the Met complying with the law.

That you, and the NUT's Julie Davies, are in conflict with Haringey Council, the police and local MP's suggests you are responsible for the conflict and the use of public money to sort out your issues. Who do you have on your side supporting you? 

Me.  I am on John' side !!!

Issuing a harassment warning for commenting on sharp practise was ridiculous and probably intended to silence comment.  There was no threat of anyone being harmed physically or mentally. Naturally someone might get distressed when someone else focuses on them pulling a fast one. I doubt any reasonable man in 0the street would perceive it as harassment.

All the warning has achieved is to lower public confidence in the police and Commander Olisa should do something about the ill consider use of these warnings.

The latest news from the Julie Davies supporters website includes a brief but interesting comment that:

"Haringey council contacted the local NUT branch office to complain about inaccuracies on this website. They did not say what those inaccuracies are but have been invited to supply a list of corrections. Site administrators are committed to the site being absolutely accurate".

As I'm sure everyone will agree, it's incredibly generous and thoughtful of Haringey senior staff and perhaps "interims" to give their precious time in this way to monitor websites. Especially with the enormous pressures on them - what with budget-slashing, redundancies; anxious lunches; and Supreme Court decisions which go to penalty shoot-outs in extra time.

I recently emailed Professor Ray Jones about a few things he'd got wrong in his book on Peter Connelly. (A couple of names misspelled for instance.)  We had a very brief chat at the Big Green Bookshop and he asked me to let him know if I spotted any more. It's important that everyone who shares a concern for accuracy and truthfulness, co-operates together in this way.

It's possible of course, that senior staff in Haringey also monitor this website. Or glance occasionally at my tweets,  Flickr photoblog; comments in the local press; or on other websites.  If so, here's a personal message for them:

"Thanks, everyone. But don't be a stranger. Haringey folks should stick together; Haringey folks should all be pals. If I've got something wrong - made a little slip here or there - please let me know. I'll be glad to return the favour and point out yours."

Occasionally, when the opportunity arises, "inacuracies" are "corrected" directly by Council Officers. e.g. about Ally Pally on Wikipedia, in mid-2008.

Here.  It seems to me that disproportionate time, effort and money is spent on PR and image burnishing.



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