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Removal of railings along Harringay Passage (at junctions with the roads)

Apart from Adam Coffman was anyone else aware this work - removal of railings along Harringay Passage (at junctions with the roads) - was happening?

I know it was discussed at the first meeting of the Harringay Passage Group (yet to be constituted) in January, but wasn't aware a decision had been made between the council & a few residents that this work was to go ahead.

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The passage is full of big dumps. Damn those lazy dog owners.

Yes, isn't that my point? Falkland has railings (and will again soon). Perfect to prop a mattress against. Bins also attract dumping although I'm not advocating removing those. 

Removing the weird railings in Warham which incidentally served no purpose since they didn't even cover the entrance of the Passage stopped the mattresses and large scale dumping (we still get the odd paint pot usually placed next to the purple bags)

Changed to this - sorry I haven't a better photo of both planters

The large chevron sign which obscured visibility was removed yesterday. Ideally I'd like to see the road pinched in further still but there was no money for major works at that time. We did what we could with the small amount of funds offered. 

It has been brought to my attention by two separate people that there are concerns with a bush planted within one of the Warham Rd planters that is obscuring sightline to traffic for pedestrians.

One of these individuals has been moved to write to the council asking for this bush to be moved. The other had a near miss experience with pushchair to moving vehicle because she had not seen the vehicle as she went to cross the road, due to this bush in the planter.

Can anything be done about this?

Just walked past them 10 minutes ago. Didn't spot any bushes. Some daffs and a couple of small Lavateria. Also, the planters are set back from the kerb build out so there is a clear line of sight when you get to the edge of the road (I think Liz posted a picture of the location somewhere in this thread). Any idea when this happened Matt?

Bush was there this week, letter went to the council this week I'm told. It maybe that the council has moved/removed it already. Thanks Michael (PS. I don't walk that far down the passage myself so no personal knowledge of this).

That'll be the one! I can see what they're talking about now. Thanks.

Couldn't add text to the photo of Warham Road planter which I have just been out in the dark and the rain (not ideal viewing conditions) to photograph. As someone who helps maintain them and and hears the many compliments from neighbours up and down the street, I can vouch that there is no bush and never has been, unless you are referring to the shrub pruned so that it is on a single stem to allow for visibility, and you would indeed see clearly anybody walking behind it. (The other photo is of the other side and has no bush either) You can see that the planters are set off from the road a little and as the photo was taken from the middle of the road (sort of drivers position) then you can get an idea of what the driver would see. What would improve this and every other junction of Harringay Passage with a Ladder Road would be a raised zebra crossing with the road pinched in even further. 

Just walked to the newsagents and had a look at the planter in question. You can see the road from behind and in front of it (it's about 3 feet from the edge of the road) and through it (it's a Lavateria so thin and spindly rather than dense and woody). On the way back I walked up the centre of the road and it didn't block the driver's view of the pavement. I'm at a loss to understand the problem. Maybe people heading down the the market today, if you are going via the Passage and crossing Warham, can check it out and give their views.

Sounds like nonsense, I go past there regularly and with small children on scooters or pushchair and have never felt in any danger from the planters. We want more of those type of things around here, not steel railings.

Good news imo.  Why TfL and or Haringey Council didn't consult with residents and NHP still needs to be answered though.

I agree with most of Liz's post on page 7. But the planters on Frobisher Rd work because they extend into the road (ie, the pavement area is wider and the road is narrower than on Falkland Rd atm.

And who will maintain the planters if they are installed? The one in Frobisher Rd has been a mixture of weed type growth with the occasional nice flowery stuff for god knows how long. But that's looking ahead, one step at a time I guess.

Existing planters are one thing that the Friends of Harringay Passage will probably concentrate on as it's not hard provided at least one person keeps an eye on them.

Frobisher is the ideal and should be at least the standard for most roads but given the width of Falkland and the school I do believe a campaign for something even more radical (see photo posted by Ant) should be on the agenda. That road is too wide and doesn't need to be. But it can afford an opportunity to design something like a chicane as in the photo. Also the fact that cars are approaching a school should really be made more of. In other places I see roads designated 'school zones' with appropriate markings and signage. It would be useful to find out if this works. Planters? Seating? Let's think big...



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