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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Candidates for Council Office would do well to say what they propose to do about the following two disgraceful situations -

I have never seen our roads in such a poor state of repair. All of the Ladder roads have three or four major potholes; on Green Lanes south of Endymion there is a pothole large and deep enough to swallow a baby buggy complete with occupant or a G-Wizz. There is a huge, but happily shallow, depression on Turnpike Lane outside the Lebanese grocer and a deep rut traversing the Lane. The Council may well say that these are caused by winter frosts but this winter was relatively mild. Suburban roads in Moscow are in much better condition and, as you know, they really do have frost.

Candidates and current Councillors, why are our roads in such atrocious condition ?

Secondly, parking charges are going up - as they do. But in the Council-run car park behind M&S in Muswell Hill the charge for 1 hour parking has gone up overnight from £1.20 an hour to £2.25 an hour.

Candidates and current Councillors, why has the charge more than doubled when payment is now by telephone ( a further charge ? ) so the Council now does not need to pay someone to empty the pay-and-display machines ? How can you justify that increase ?

Your answers may affect the result of the upcoming May election.

A. V. Oter

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I strongly agree with you John about our terrible potholes - they need URGENT repair. i worry for the cyclists having to dodge the holes and when will this cause a serious accident for them? 

Also agree about the potholes, these are a serious hazard for cyclists particularly as Haringey is supposed to be prioritising "active modes" of transport.

Parking charges on the other hand, surely these need to be increased in order to discourage unnecessary car journeys.

But who decides when a car journey is unnecessary ? You ? I'm afraid social engineering by financial penalty just doesn't work.

I agree about the danger to cyclists. If I suddenly spot a pothole I may instinctively swerve to avoid it, as may a cyclist.

Since when did financial "penalties" cease to be an effective in changing behaviour John?

Have you seen any decrease in litter ? Have you seen any decrease in parking ? Fewer vehicles on the roads ? Less spitting ? Have people stopped feeding the pigeons on  Ducketts ?

If you increase parking fees or other penalties it hits the poor: the rich just carry on regardless.

The volume of private car journeys in inner London decreased by 50% in the last 15 years or so. Thanks to congestion charging and high parking charges, most people think twice before driving into London during the day. (Unless of course you're exempt from the charge like taxis or can factor it into your business model like delivery vehicles).

It's interesting that you equate littering, spitting and feeding pigeons with car driving, they are all anti-social behaviours but not all criminal acts.

Also a hazard for pedestrians, both when crossing the road and walking near them when they’re full of water after rain - disclaimer, I was recently soaked on Green Lanes.

 Michael, it's the Council who are soaking the residents, in many ways :)

Wondered who was driving the bloody Astra

i am sending this conv to all 3 seven sisters councillors (Dhiren, Clair, Joe) now for action hopefully.

Thanks Geraldine.

With local elections ahead we have been trekking all over the ward and are also shocked by the potholes on nearly every Ladder road. We are in the process of noting every pothole on every road and will be passing that information to the council. Its not just Harringay that is badly affected - its the same all over Haringey. Its a problem we acknowlege needs to be urgently addressed and our manifesto promises to Invest additional resources in resurfacing roads, repairing potholes and improving pavements. As a regular cyclist I am very aware of how they dangerous they are. 

Ive made some enquiries about the parking charges and will come back on that.

Karen Alexander

Liberal Democrat Candidate for Harringay ward 2018 local elections



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