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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

'NO' to Ending free bulky waste collections and closing the recycling centre

Haringey's current budget proposals will see the end of free bulky and green waste collections and the closure of one of the recycling centres.

These changes are likely to spell real trouble in this borough. It will inevitably lead to a significant increase in dumping with the poorest areas being hardest hit.

Research has shown that introducing a charge can lead to a drop in demand for collections of 50-75% on previous levels. Fly-tipping will increase as a result.

An alternative approach to introducing a collection charge would be to limit or reduce the number of items accepted for free, and/or the number of free collections allowed per year.

An alternative to closing the recycling centre would be to control who uses the centre and make a small charge as appropriate.

The cabinet meets to decide on this issue in two weeks' time. Whilst the consultation is now closed you can still email the cabinet member responsible (peray.ahmet@haringey.gov.uk) and copy your councillor.

Budget proposals: http://www.haringey.gov.uk/local-democracy/policies-and-strategies/...

Survey (CLOSED 22 JAN): http://www.haringey.gov.uk/survey/budget-2017-18

Tags for Forum Posts: rubbish, waste collection, waste collection charges

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I'm not sure what the answer is to this.

The council currently collects mattresses and other bulky items for free, and yet there is on average one mattress per week left at the end of my road. The flytipped mattress usually gets collected within a couple of days - not sure if that's because it's been reported (I've reported them myself a few times), or if there's a Veolia truck constantly touring as there's such rich pickings.

We recently had a mattress to dispose of, I booked a collection with Veolia - earliest slot was about two weeks away. The thought did cross my mind, it would be quicker to drag it to the end of the road and report it!

The Tottenham one.  The Wood Green one is quite new isn't it?  It moved when they started building on the Hornsey baths site.  Or perhaps I made that up. 

No Charlotte, that's correct.

Thanks James. That's not insignificant. 

And does Hackney contribute to the financing of neighbouring waste collection centres?

The problem, and again I say the debate is not being had, is that the issue need to be treated on a London-wide basis and not at purely local council level. Take the funding for refuse collection out of the hands of the councils, etc. And social care and school funding - this is the case for everything in London. The system is boken and no one is address the fundamental underlying issues.

The lovely 'nasty party' is now saying that they'll solve the housing problem by 'forcing' councils to build more homes. Where is that going to put indigent Haringey?

Time to leave. Organising my own private Brexit!

There have been ideas floating around for years about the next phase of local government reorganisation in London. A number of super councils (something like north, south, east, west and central) has been mooted rather than the 32 we have now. There are good arguments for this. Litter and roads don't conveniently stop at present borough boundaries, super councils would have massive purchasing clout (several billions of quid a year), resources around education and social care could be managed more efficiently and so on. On the down side decision making would be even further removed from residents, in the way that if feels now with the GLA. Super councils or a single London council would also be a massive political force and, as it would probably have a Labour majority, the present government may not be that keen. There is also the problem in getting the 32 boroughs to sign their own death warrants.
So what is the purpose of Councils if not to run local services such as schools and social care and waste collection?

 Just to ramble on....I do not know why. Because we in Haringey suffer just because the Borough is classed as an 'outer London Borough' when many of our problems are 'inner city' ones. Haringey residents work and play all over London the boundaries are artificial and not working.

The Mayor is in charge of many things. The poorer boroughs are unable to cope with many of the challenges they face. Are they really the right way to distribute the responsibilities of running a city and distributing resources? You can see the visible difference between the condition of the public realm when you visit Haringey's border streets. In many cases the Haringey side is dishevelled and seedy and the other side is more attractive and pleasant. Is that normal? It is the same city. A very rich place!

Why should central London boroughs benefit from the income from the activity of all the shops and businesses that are located there when we in Haringey are starved of some of the income and have depricvtaion levels that are some of the worst in Europe?

These questions need to be asked and a different arrangements need to be decided. Instead of wasting all that f***ing energy on the Brexit debate the real debate about how the place is organised should have been undertaken and if we had a forward and innovative oriented opposition party the we may have been able to have that discussion but no.......

Sorry if I come across as flipping angry but I am increasingly so after Brexit. I have lost my patience and am preparinging my withdrawal from this place. A place as rich as this struggling to provide basic services and those in charge just sticking plaster on the wounds. Gangrene is spreading and no one is doing anything about it. Haringey LAbour is completely intellectually corrupt just serving up the worst that can possibly be swerved up and in classic 1984 style using propoaganda and sunterfuge to appear as if they are consulting and doimng the best for their constituents. They are a disaster fro the poorer people in this borough.

Rant over!

Organising my own personal Brexit.

I think James's post above shows how local councils deal with a reduction in local recycling centre provision.

The problems that I think are specific to London are the high churn of rental properties plus the low levels of car ownership. So you get the double whammy of large items (esp. mattresses) beening disposed of frequently plus the lack of transport to take stuff to more distant sites.

One slight correction to the entire thread. The bulk waste collections are of course not free. We pay for them through council tax. They are free at the point of use is all.

Thanks for the correction.

By borrowing a term more usually associated with the NHS, you also highlight another real feature of the charges. They will act as a regressive tax unfairly placing a burden on the poorest in our borough and no doubt as a result leaving them much more impacted than those in more affluent areas.  

It seems we are on a journey to be charged for everything as more creative ways and schemes are introduced. Council tax is not enough to pay for services, street parking tax (known as residents parking) and so on. The first thing May signed off as PM was Trident costing billions to setup and 200 billion over its lifetime. We naturally need it because of imminent attack from Russia and north Korea? The 99% is going to be increasingly squeezed as we are told their is not enough money and we need to use tax payers money to pay private weapons companies to continue the weapons of mass destruction race. A new direction is needed for society with the 99% at the heart of everything. The status quo has become too strong and any opposition that talks about balance or changing the status quo is met with ridicule. What I hear is conversations about symtoms that will be never ending as we are on a journey. The source of the problem needs to be addressed and proportional representation for our votes could be a start to disrupt the cosy political system. sometimes you need to go left and feel pain before you can go right.



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