Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Not sure whether this is just me being (small-c) conservative, but I really dislike the way Sainsbury's has redesigned its fruit and veg section.

The glass doors make It so much more difficult to actually see what is in each cabinet, there appears to be neither rhyme nor reason to how things are arranged (why are tomatoes in two different places?) and the aisles seem to be far narrower than previously, making navigation with a trolley more difficult, especially at busy times. That aside, it's a joy.

Anybody else less than enamoured with it?

I am 55 years old, before you ask.

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Did you notice the signs mentioning that this was a temporary arrangement while they work on a broader redesign?

(Not that I'm suggesting the latter will definitely be an improvement)

Oh! No, I didn't see those. I was probably too busy wondering why cucumbers were next to oranges or something. Well, perhaps I should reserve judgment then...

I went through the same emotional process myself :)

Yes also found it frustrating but hopefully the new layout will be better once it's finished. I generally find the Sainsbury's experience miserable generally these days. No staff to be found when you need them and being forced to use the self-service tills which full

I refuse to use the self-service tills as a point of principle: I'd sooner Sainsbury's used its vast profits to employ more people rather than depriving people of their jobs and making the shopping "experience" as impersonal as possible. I realise that's a bit self-defeating when I'm stuck in a queue for 10 minutes because only one till is open... but once people are brow-beaten into always choosing self-service tills ahead of staffed tills, then they will no doubt shut the latter. So it feels like an inconvenience worth persisting with 

The apparent unpopularity of the smart shop option (where you scan on your phone or on a Sainsbury's device and bag as-you-go) makes it a pretty efficient choice. Very rarely a  queue, despite there often being two or three of the four tills out of commission. Even occasional (but not rare) rescans don't usually slow things down too much. 

And you can always pay for a smart shop at the self-service tills if there's a long queue for the dedicated ones.

I hadn't seen the notice that Shar mentions, but I asked to one of the staff if they found the cabinets as inconvenient as I do. He confired that the layout was temporary and that the shelving set-up would be returning to the old format onve the new layout is in place. 

BTW, I also noticed a story the other day that Sainsbury is acquiring the Homebase for Sainsbury's. However, the Sainsbury's website doesn't agree that Harringay is one of the acquisition targets. Since neither that source nor common sense suggests that the Yahoo News story is correct, I'm assuming it's journalistic error. 

I admire your persistence Phil. I also hate the self-service tills and would much rather be served by a human but the queues are so long and generally my shopping tends to be smaller so I don't have the patience to wait around in one of the lengthy queues. But I think you are right and Sainsbury's is sadly not the only one doing this

oh no, it's not just a Sainsbury's thing. It applies to all the supermarkets, plus WH Smith, Boots etc. I don't use self-service there either (which has meant once or twice at WH Smith that I've ended up not buying the thing I came into the shop for, as there's been no human to sell it to me)

The troublesome relocation of the  fruit & veg should only be for another 3 weeks until the new produce area is completed.

On another note, has anyone noticed how cold it is in there at the moment. I think it's because the temporary hoarding traps the cold air around the chillers - zero fun straight after a swim in the reservoir.

It's always cold in there, especially with the open chiller cabiniets. The ones with doors, while I agree they are much harder to see into, are designed to conserve the cold and save energy.



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