After it was discovered at the St Ann's Labour Party selection candidate selection meeting that there were people present and voting who should not have been, I came home from the pub (where I'd heard about it) and wrote this article. It has subsequently been edited by site admins to remove the names of people who were embarrassed or in the final case where a journalist said it was potentially libellous. Well here I will attempt to summarise what we have subsequently found out and hopefully take people's attention away from my original appalling rant.
*An individual has asked that their name be replaced with their function in this post on the grounds that they are not seeking public office. This has been done.
Tags for Forum Posts: election2014, labour, st ann's labour, stanns
They see menace in their own shadow. Do they know it to be a FACT that the posting transgressed legal requirements? Since joining late last year I have had a posting removed and my password has been reset for a third time ; if Hugh wants people to post here he needs to look at the law accurately and not take guesses and improve his service levels.
Keith, Hugh is a volunteer who basically puts his assets at risk every time we post. This is his hobby and he's done a great service for the community. Talking about his "service levels" makes it seem like he's employed by us and we pay for this, neither of which is true. The software can be buggy, you're always notified when something you have written is to be censored. I'm not happy about it in this case but, is anyone ever happy about it?
Keith, for the avoidance of doubt, we don't have the ability to reset your password, even if, for some reason we should want to. If you've had a posting removed then it is because you broke our house rules.
Since we don't have the time to rad all comments on the site, it is unmoderated and Liz and I only react to postings that we happen to spot or, more often, those we have pointed out to us.
The internet is pretty much a free place Keith, You and John are very welcome to post anything you want on your own spaces, but we don't allow anything that transgresses our house rules or may end up with my facing a legal challenge.
Keith, if you'd like to arrange the funding for legal services to deal with the legal challenge side of things, that would be very helpful.
Thanks for your comment John, but 'censored', really? The use of that word is as out of place Keith complaining about 'service levels'. Censorship implies some official role and some sort of official acceptability. As you have pointed out, that's not what our redactions are about, any more that those at Channel 4 are.
Whether or not censored is the correct term i'd read Johns post before it got deleted, that the police investigation didn't result in a prosecution doesn't mean what happened wasn't interesting to hear about. Labour are really making it it difficult to vote for them over this and pressuring HoL to remove posts about it only contributes to that IMHO.
Ant, you're making a big assumption about 'pressurising' there and it may well be interesting to hear about, but 'interesting' doesn't cut it as a reason given the balancing factors I've already explained, I'm afraid.
I thought you'd said on one of the other posts about this that they were asking you to delete things, sorry if i was mistaken, have they not been doing that?
Then stick to the point in hand which is electoral fraud and don't seek to bolster your case with publicising people's personal affairs. It dilutes your argument and weakens not strengthens your case against the Labour Party which you are trying to prove is agreeing to cover up electoral fraud. Play the ball not the (wo)man, remember?
That seems a little unfair Liz, it was an altercation in a public place about this and by those people being discussed in this thread that resulted in the police being called, its not playing the man not the ball for John to tell us about it.
We were not pressurised, Ant. We looked at the posting and judged it to contravene our terms of service with regard to posting about a member's personal affairs. It is not censorship since as Hugh says we are not in any kind of official capacity and are not seeking to enforce 'official lines'. The rules are there and everyone agrees to abide by them when they sign up.
If there are things that people feel the need to say that fall outside our guidelines, then Twitter and Wordpress (other blogging services are available) are at your service, although as Sally Bercow's case illustrates you must be prepared to defend *yourself* in a law court, even if your comments are judged to be no more than 'irresponsible'.
(Sorry, not sure WHERE this comment will end up in the convo)
I'm sorry Liz but these two are, with the support of more senior people in the Labour Party I presume, seeking to swindle the good citizens of St Ann's & Harringay. They effectively hold a public office. Having councillors at least partially responsible to us is surely a good thing but the St Ann's candidates were not selected fairly and I doubt will feel any compunction to listen to residents at all over the next four years. Remember Brian Haley? In a safe Labour ward you just have to look after a dozen people for use in the selection meetings. This is WORTH fighting over and fighting HARD.
To Liz and Hugh: After all this time legal representation should be arranged and in place. Volunteers are good but are you up to the stage of a para legal? One day something will bite you on the backside and you will have no option but to get legal assistance-horse, stable door and bolted come to mind. The saddest thing is that many of us keep in touch elsewhere.
To Keith
If something 'bites us on the backside' then the site would close, since we have no money. You do know this site isn't financed by anything but small ads and the odd donation, don't you? Both of us have day jobs that are nothing to do with this site.
We are aware of the legal situation with regard to publishing and that is why we have terms and conditions which members agree to when they sign up. We rely on the common sense and good will of our members not to contravene the rules to ensure that 'biting' doesn't happen. We hope they value the site enough to protect it.
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