Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I have seen a lot of posts on the safety of Harringay so please forgive me if you feel this is repetition. I accepted my dream job in Harringay on Friday morning, and heard the awful news of the shooting in Wood Green in the evening. In light of this, I wanted to get some advice from local people relating to gun crime and gangs.

Prior to applying for the job, I researched crime rates etc and felt they were not unusual for London. I also understand that gang related crime rarely effects innocent people, which is what makes this incident even more shocking.

Is the area of Wood Green generally safe? Do you feel able to shop there without worrying? Would/ do any of you live in that particular area? Are you aware of gangs?

My thoughts are with anyone affected by this tragic incident. Thank you in advance for your help.

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The issue with the shooting on Friday is a rather random one, in as much as it was the first I have heard about in this area for yonks. I used to live on the Murder Mile, so the baseline for me is rather low which is what makes what happened on Friday to those poor folks all the more extraordinary.

I do not think you need worry about crime etc in Wood Green, I have never had a problem, nor know anyone who has!

What is your dream job by the way?

Which murder Mile was that....Clapton? Stockwell?

Having lived in Wood Green for 5 years, and recently moved away,I would say it doesn't feel a very safe place to walk around on your own at night, or indeed a particularly pleasant place to wander around during the day! Having said this, the vast majority of issues are most definitely gang related, so very unlikely to be an issue for you unless you are extremely unfortunate in being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As mentioned earlier it is always incredibly busy (both day and night) and that is in itself reassuring. In the 5 years I lived there I never had any issues whatsoever, although I always took sensible precautions. If you just go there in the day I don't think it feels particularly unsafe, but I do want to be honest that you may not feel comfortable as a lone female after dark, however this is true of many areas in London! Wood Green has had a bad rep for a longtime and it isn't completely deserved, as there are many positive things about the area too, but I never felt safe there and, it did impact on my enjoyment of living there. Do bear in mind it depends where you are too, the Lordship lane side definitely more dodgy than side nearer to Ally Pally

Is your new job in Harringay? If so you don't have to go near Wood Green if you didn't want to.

Having moved from the leafy suburbs of Muswell some years ago to Tottenham via Turnpike Lane, I am still infuriated by the class prejudice towards the east of the borough in general. The crime rate in the middle class west is just as high, and I have no fears at all about going anywhere in Haringey. 

Check out the crime stats here

Thanks for your honesty and advice everyone! My new job is in Wood Green so I am looking at areas to move within the borough. I know London has a higher crime rate generally but being from the north I find the idea of gang crime very strange- it just doesn't happen up here! I am really looking forward to moving though! Would you say that it would be better to look for housing more towards green lanes? Or should I be looking at crouch end area? Thanks everyone!

Depends on what you can afford.  I assume you've checked Mouseprice  (or local estate agents for rented properties) so you know where you'll get more for your money. You don't mention other possible factors such as whether you have kids who'll need local schools. Or whether you'd like to be near a park or a tube line.

Perhaps there's a friend or relative you could stay with temporarily while you explore both the area and the possibilities?  That would also give you opportunities to meet and chat to people. Especially to other women, who may have a different 'take' from men on how they 'read' an area; and whether or not they feel comfortable.

Personally I like and enjoy the energy of Wood Green.  Sometimes I just stop and watch the "intricate sidewalk ballet" and the world's faces; and think this is 'World Town Wood Green'.

re house prices. We sold our nice little 3-bed in Langham road and bought a house twice the size and cheaper, with a massive garden just over the border in N18. We take the W3 to Wood Green Tube or 10 minute walk. We have lovely settled neighbours and are very glad we moved. 

I would say Wood Green is relatively safe, the shooting recently was on Lordship Lane, which I find quite dodgy, in fact as soon as you come up from the shopping mall to the cinema and nandos area and along lordship lane it's not super pleasant. 

Anywhere from the mall down the high road to turnpike lane I find much nicer, which is a relief as I live on the Ladder so I have no need to go any farther than the mall.

Having lived in Wood Green for some years, I can confidently state that it is safer than many parts of London [e.g. Hackney] And a much more fun place to live than it used to be.Great people, great community groups and a generally good buzz about the place. House prices [like everywhere] now getting a bit silly, that's the only problem.

Hi K1771, the very sad death of a man in a totally random act of violence should not put you off anything you want to do. This type of thing is very rare. So if you have your dream job then live your dream and don't let a really sad incident put you off.



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