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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The razor wire overhanging a fence in the Passage has been bugging me for some time. I can't be exact as to where it is, but I always see it whilst walking north to my friend's house on Lausanne Road, so somewhere between Beresford and Lausanne Roads at a guess.

Whilst walking up Lausanne Road from Ducketts Common the other evening I saw some identical wire on a flat roof building on the left hand-side.

I know people are entitled to secure their property, but this looks more in keeping with Guantanamo than anything that should be in a residential area like ours.

As you can see from the pictures of the passage the wire is at/below my eye level, and at 6"2' I'm tall, but not a giant.

Anyone else think this is over the top or is it just me?

Tags for Forum Posts: barbed wire, effingham road, passage, razor wire

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I've got 8 foot high fences, with trellis, and spikey plants and burgulars still got over them and into the house. Barbed wire and broken glass are difficult to explain to children, but explaining why somebody broke into the house and trashed their rooms is even more difficult.

I'm not enamoured with this stretch of razor wire either but I can understand the frustration that has led to its installation. I would say that about 50% of the passageway houses have barbed wire/broken glass of some description, and it isn't because we are all philistines.

And don't get me started on the amount of rubbish that gets thrown over the fence .....
Could you not interweave spiky plants and barbed wire, then those burglars would surely have a surprise and it would be visually more pleasant?

Better still, I'm of to trademark some fake plastic plants with hidden razor wire sewn in.
Fippo - you are sooo right - I myself am 6ft and half an inch (very proud of the half inch! ;)) and therfore hardly tall - but when the offending items nearly take your eye out I can guarantee it's because your eyes are on aimed downwards avoiding all the DOG POO - I would suggest that is more deserving and urgent of residents vitriol:) But I'm totally with it's dangerous, illegal and looks horrible:)

Btw - I am starting to take photos of people I see letting their dogs poo in the the passage without clearing up after them - who's with me? Name and Shame!! And force the council to enforce the fines:)
I can't believe it's even legal to buy this sort of wire.

Like I said before, I understand people securing their property, but no security expert in their right mind would recommend this, it's just dangerous.
The only people I've caught letting their dogs poo in the passage have been a young bloke with one leg shorter than the other who brings his dog all the way over from Campsbourne Rd (on more than one occasion, I think he might also be a bit mentally handicapped), and a tough looking elderly white male. Despite having my camera on me... I couldn't take the picture. Good luck to you if you can.
I have only ever see two dogs pooing (in action) I have tried to follow them but lost them somehow although one was on a bike. These people walk early in the morning and late at night,
A dog on a bike? Wish I'd seen that :D
A dog on a bike? Wish I'd seen that :D

Hund fährt Fahrrad - MyVideo
... a tough looking elderly white male.

Does he have a Alsatian John? He regularly lets his dog shit on the pavement outside the school in Falkland Rd. On seeing this happen I asked the bloke if he was going to pick it up. Of course he'd 'come back later because he'd forgot to bring any bags with him'.

I mentioned the school kids stepping in shit just like his dog had just done and mentioned those £80 fines the council bangs on about. His dog is still shitting everywhere. Shelfish people don't listen.
We need to find out where this bloke lives 'cause as far as I'm concerned he's the serial shitter. And that's 365 shits a year we're squelching into, never mind the smell and inconvenience.
I'd happily follow him home and poo on his doorstep!



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