Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following HoL's use of Twitter at last summer's area forum, the Council is to pioneer the use of digital media at the Harringay & St Ann's area forum at the end of this month.

Last summer I caused some controversy in certain parts of the neighbourhood by live tweeting from the Harringay & St Ann's area Forum

I was impressed at the time by Councillor David Browne's staunch defence of my right to do so and the potential benefits of the tool. We've subsequently had a number of conversations and David has become ever more convinced that using digital media to open up the area forums to wider participation is an important step in the right direction.

David took over as chair of our local area forum last year. He was keenly aware of the difficult history of the forum and is determined to make to it more effective, more transparent and more engaging. 

He's keen to see the meetings effectively run so that they are a more appealing way for people to take part in local democracy. "I want to see the balance shift to one where the residents do the lion's share of talking. I want to get away from officer presentations. People don't want to come for a lecture. Officers should come and listen and take away what they learn".

At the next area forum on the 26th January, Harringay Online will be supporting David to use Twitter and, depending on technical limitations, other digital media tools to open an interactive channel with local people who can't attend the meeting in person.

"I don't want to put people off attending", explained David. "That would be awful. But I do want to make it possible for people to take part virtually even if they can't join us physically."

Harringay Online is working with David to use digital media and display screens to enable people to submit comments and questions from home as well as from the room. Those attending will be able to see a live display of all the remotely submitted questions and comments.

Once we're clear on what's possible in the venue (Cyprus Kitchen on Green Lanes), I'll come back and confirm exactly how whizzy we can make the digital media component.

Neither David nor I is expecting this development to be a magic wand, but I do hope it will be part of a slow process to improve the way our local democracy functions.

In the meantime, hats off to David. It's individuals like him, prepared to take a risk, who create change. (Also a quiet thank you to Haringey's Chief Exec Kevin Crompton who's given David his blessing for this experiment).

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I think Haringey are one of a few boroughs who do not have a Twitter, I am sure my work Twitter follows/is followed by a lot of London Boroughs official council Twitter accounts...

I personally think it is a great idea, but didnt think it was the Chair who was tweeting... I assumed it was an officer? I tend to tweet from public meetings, (mainly as I am a twitter/iPhone addict ADHD suffering wannabe journalist weirdo!!) and follow loads of journalist/people who live tweet from protests/meetings.

Downhills was a great example, I was unable to attend in the end, but last night I caught up on all of the tweets which were so detailed and frequent that I felt a part of the action.

My only concern, (dont call me grumpy Hugh... cos I'll stick my tongue out at you!!) is that Tweeting requires personality & bias. I would hate to get tweets like "David opened the meeting and told audience that the first item is parks..." I would also hate points/comments statements that showed support/discontentment to a specfic issue not be tweeted.

As long as this relationship is not taking away your edge Hugh its great... Hopefully i'll have my iPhone back by then & will join you ;) x

The more tweeters the merrier. I've suggested that we agree a hashtag and pick up relevant tweets through it. People at home can then focus on the tweets / tweeters they value. Not sure what you mean about the Chair, but David won't be tweeting from the chair.

I won't be an official tweeter any more than I was before.

I was referring to the comment Alan made about most councillors being able to email/tweet & he preferring to pay attention. I didnt think the chair was the one tweeting... [so they can pay attention to those who show up in person]

Alan? Dont you tweet.... I imagined you were an avid tweeter..!!

My comment was about councillors and lots of other people who habitually sit in meetings, much of the time fiddling with their raspberries. I assumed they were constantly checking for messages about unfolding crises. Or possibly bidding on eBay.

Though I'm told some of them play games while they wait for the Accessories to finish talking.

As you ask Seema, I don't tweet. And don't actually own a mobile phone. I prefer real phones and good old-fashioned email. And my Flickr photoblog, of course.

I recall similar hype about Citizens Band radio. I also suspect that for live "outside broadcasts" of events like the Downhill's meeting, the best tool may be streamed radio and/or video.

Well done. Annette

Thank you very much Hugh, although I do not know how to tweet yet but it is what I can learn so that one can still contribute when physical attendace is impossible.

I think and believe that it is the right step in the right direction. and we should not be afraid to use these technology that may even make life easier for us. I am not saying everything about these technologies are perfect but let us give them chance and solve the problem they might create

Rev Adedayo Ige

Seems like things will be low key for tomorrow's meeting just using Twitter again. If you want to comment or ask a question, there'll be a hashtag which we'll publicise beforehand.

I reamin hopeful that there'll be the energy to take the next step at the following meeting.

The next step being . . . ?

So what's the hashtag, Hugh?



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