Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

An item at tonight's Council Cabinet meeting has thrown into question the future survival of Haringey's two warehouse districts and the artistic communities who live in them.

Both the Harringay Warehouse District and the Fountayne Road community now face an uncertain future following the publication of a Haringey Council report, "Tackling Unauthorised Living in Industrial Areas". (Report attached)

The report, which was discussed at the full cabinet of the Council today, recommends a two-year project costing £600,000 which will seek to deal with "the growing problem of unauthorised residential and live work uses in and around (the) Industrial Sites" in Haringey. The recommended process is "to establish a special multi-disciplinary team to fully investigate and address the problem through a combination of regulation, improvement, enforcement and, where necessary, prosecution".

The alarm bells were ringing for me since earlier in the week I had discovered that these areas are earmarked as being amongst those that will "will accommodate the majority of development in the borough over the next 20 years".

In Facebook and Twitter conversations this afternoon, warehouse residents shared their fears that the vibrancy their communities bring to the borough will be overlooked and their communities sanitised and destroyed.

In response to my Twitter requests to Council Leader Claire Kober this evening to protect these communities, Cllr Kober sought to offer some reassurance:

@harringayonline some people in unacceptable conditions. My concern is for safe, decent properties. No intention to undermine communities

@harringayonline no intention to damage what's good. Priority is to go after rogue landlords just as we do elsewhere in borough

When I asked if she would ensure that warehouse residents will be involved, the Council Leader replied:

@harringayonline don't see any problem involving residents. Will ask officers to consider how best to achieve

I very much hope that the approach the Council takes in this project will support these communities rather than beginning the process of whittling them away. 

Tags for Forum Posts: local plan, local plan 2014, site allocation plan, warehouse district

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'…. sanitised and destroyed….'  This has been happening for years all over London. Most of the East End has been 'done' due to the Olympic regeneration (which seems largely about building expensive flat that few Londoners can afford…)

More and more I feel London, this huge global city, is changing beyond recognition as old parts knocked down and new shiny but standardised flats and the usual suspects of shops (tesco locals etc) put in their place alongside huge shopping malls. Population growth and the never ending demand for investment properties for overseas wealthy are all converging to make all parts of London development areas (we have read about plans for Finsbury Park on this stie too…)  I know things have to change but I am pessimistic about this city retaining anything of value other than what is good for tourism and investment. Places like the Warehouse district are not safe. Some of our streets could become access roads to the lovely jubbly Arena shopping centre … Finsbury park a summer time concert venue largely shut off for the locals. It's a depressing picture. As I said in another post, perhaps should sell up quick and head for the hills (unless they've been regenerated and sold off too!) 

Flats, maybe? just a guess of course...

That's the Eastern Utilities Lands section of the Haringey Heartlands master plan.

See attached.

More here.


Eastern Utilities Lands? Sounds sooooo very totalitarian. 

The council says there are 26 sites they have found where 'unauthorised living' occurs. Do you know any other sites where this might be happening?

Ive taken note of Seven Sisters Road, Omega Works and Catwalk. Any others?

The situation with Arena is a little unclear Hugh. The dwellings have officially been repurposed, and have recently upgraded to meet fire regs etc.

Not meaning to point a finger. I was trying to help Aiofe identify 'warehouse' developments rather than 'unauthorised living' ones. If including your patch raises an issue of concern, let me know.

Yet contradicts itself in the next para.


refers to established history of occupation and does not foresee change of use, words to that extent - one might imply that LBH hence condones illegal use? which it is not, as the permits on our's 16 years back, effectively established the commercial feasibility for the others.

Am obviously sure it goes on a case by case basis, yet the very same people relieved that compliance works have finally finished, in or next to their homes, can be forgiven for being confused by the statement.

This is not about replacement. It's about getting regulations followed so the people living there are safe. The recent fire in one property will have triggered this council focus of resources and now the council must follow up under their remits. Someone I know who lives there says that a lot of the property in that area is owned by one landlord and that that landlord is aware of the issues and making necessary changes under fire regs etc.



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