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"Financier slams 'environmental extremists' … " (Evening Standard article) +MailOnline

Financier slams 'environmental extremists' who object to basement dig plans under his £2m Highgate home

This online article also appears on page six of today's print edition of The Evening Standard.

The property concerned lies at the northern end of the Parkland Walk that runs westwards from Finsbury Park. It's on the north side of the Walk shortly before it exits into Holmesdale Road. High boarding surrounds the property.

The Council's Planning Portal shows the Construction Management Plan application here, to which the public can comment, support or oppose, up until the 5th of April.

The website of The Friends of Parkland Walk is here.

Clive Carter
Councillor, Highgate Ward
Liberal Democrat Party

Tags for Forum Posts: CMP, Construction Management Plan, Parkland Walk

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Just don't tell him about Wightman Walk. Peace is breaking out down here in the valleys. There's talk of house prices shooting up 30% ... sshhh

And that too!

MY attention has recently been drawn to another, similar article in the MailOnline, here.

What an arrogant *#%?!

FoPW have reopened their petition to stop the planning permission, here https://www.change.org/p/haringey-council-planning-department-rejec...

I think if you have already signed the petition you don't need to resign, but someone correct me if I'm wrong.

If you use Parkland Walk you should sign it!

If you don't use Parkland Walk, you should - it's lovely!!!

What is particularly galling is that people have fought for years to preserve this as a natural environment and his plans could muck up what has been achieved in just a few days.

Thanks for pointing this out Clive. I wish the fella much luck with digging his bunker out, I hope he manages to do it without P**ing off his neighbours as this is a very intrusive piece of work.

However, I hope he manages to do it without bringing vehicles onto the Parkland Walk. I am a regular user, and I have to say I value the fact it manages to fool me for a few minutes into thinking I am not living in London, and might actually be in the country. I am afraid that this is a public realm space, and baring matters of national security, it should not be semi-privatised or industrialised in a way that is focussed on benefiting one or a small number of individuals to the detriment of the wider community...

ANOTHER press account—local—from page four of yesterday's Ham&High Broadway, attached:


I SEE there've been more than 250 comments on the consultation, that closes today.

It will be interesting to see if the guy gets permission, when I looked there was only one positive comment (gotta love your mum haven't you...).

I genuinely do not mind that the guy wants to do this, thankfully I do not live next door to him, but if the reason he has been forced to look at the Parkland Walk as an option is the council, then (depending on what is around the property) surely it is in the gift of the council to offer the guy an alternative.

Oh, had not appreciated his build and the disruption to the Parkland Walk would be up to, or over 16 months!

THERE are four comments in support. Unless there are more comments in the pipeline from the public to be added by Planning Support, total comments stand at 291, including one from the local MP.

Interesting that one of the supporting comments complains that some people who object to the application don't live near site in question, compeletly ignoring the fact the Parkland Walk is used by many thousands as a public amenity.
There was one well thought through objection from someone living in Mount Pleasant Crescent, arguing that if this is allowed to go ahead and access is given to the site via Parkland Walk, it will be in breech of covenant and could allow anyone else wishing to carry out works that were in similar breech to cite an approval as a precedent.



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