Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Within the context of a story on the 'restaurantisation' of London's high streets, the Evening Standard has picked up on the story of the planning application by the new restaurant on Green Lanes.

They want to take a photo of a group of objectors for inclusion in the piece and are asking for local people who objected to take part.

Reporter Natasha Salmon and an ES photographer will be at the Bottom of Pemberton Road this evening at 7PM and have requested as many people as possible to make their way there. Look for someone with a camera!

You can contact Natasha on natashasalmon@gmail.com.

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Hi Alice. Thanks for commenting. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who thought you did a good job. I hope the Council enforcement action will sort out what sounds like an intolerable situation for you. 

If the number of clientele of the opening month is indicative, I am fairly confident the invisible hand of capitalism--as it always does when left alone to operate--will take care of things more efficiently than the council.

Anything can happen but odds are this is not a moneylaundering front as a triple front is overkill. By the way in case anyone doesn't understand what I mean by a moneylaundering front, if you saw the Sopranos back in the day, that strip bar and deli where they operated out of are examples of these.

I see your pop at Socialism and raise you that what we have is not Capitalism. We have monopolies and rentiers. There is very little actual Capitalism in the British economy but this restaurant is an example of it, I agree.

Good interview Alice. I think listeners really connect to a story when they hear about how it impacts an individual and about the struggle you've had to get information from Haringey. It makes it real rather than abstract. Great that you also got in the wider view on lack of balance between the daytime and nighttime economies too.
Very well done Alice - you handled yourself very well. On a side note, it's clear that Sira simply lacks appeal - during a quick scan of green lanes on my way back from IKEA I noted Sira at about 40% capacity and queues of 10-20 people outside Gokuzu and Hala.
Didn't see the menu, but the food looked identical to every other Turkish dish on the parade
Personally, I would prefer planning policy for Harringay Green Lanes to favour the establishment and/or retention of business aimed primarily at a local clientele. This would imply being against a concentration of similar businesses that could only succeed by drawing in increasing numbers of clients from outside the immediate area - many of whom would come by car. I would like to be able to walk in under 10 minutes to the places I need most often, ie cafe, newsagent, bookshop, dry cleaner, laundry, Post Office, DIY store, bank, grocery, butcher, fish monger, pub, pharmacy, doctor, dentist, locksmith, restaurants (Turkish, Cypriot, Spanish, Italian, Indian, Chinese, French, fish&chips, burgers, Polish). I would like there to be enough competition between the businesses to ensure good quality and price.
All this means that I am against any further restaurants similar to our excellent Turkish examples. There are already enough to serve our needs and the better ones deserve both their success and some protection from new ones trying to profit from the repute built up by others. It probably means too that we have enough jewelers, hairdressers and bookies.
Great piece, the more attention it attracts then hopefully some action will be taken. I have spoken to the landlord of the premises, Lazari Investments, who consequently own much of grand parade and are the second largest land owners in london, they claim that the property has had full planning permission and whilst taking some interest in ensuring there is adequate ventilation from the extractors they seem more interested in the income they are receiving from leasing the premises.



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