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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I have been aware of the mindless dog damage to trees (I assume this is from dogs) on the main tree lined road from manor house gate to Finsbury park but only this week (since Wireless fences have gone up and the route around the park is limited) have I noticed that there is similar damage to nearly every tree along the Seven Sister's Road fence.

Some of these trees will die and the problem is clearly increasing.

I wonder what's the solution is?

Wrought iron baskets around the tree bases as they do in town to protect the trees?

I wonder if anyone has a foolproof solution or knows how to go about sorting this out. We have a great park and it would be such a shame to lose any more of the trees than we have already.

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That's great thanks.

I am going to contact Lewis Taylor also & FFP

Now I have he bit between my teeth, I was going to get more photos once wireless has all been cleared and roughly mark them on a map.

gr8, go for it!

This is a phenomenon that upsets me practically every time I visit the park.  The majority of the poplar (?) trees on the road from Manor House to FP have had their bark stripped, often many times, but fortunately these trees seem able to survive and regrow their bark.  Many species don't.  I recently noticed an oak and others near the railway footbridge had been attacked.  I don't believe this methodical damage is due to dogs, and it seems to be particularly bad in F Pk - there are some unhappy people taking out their anger on the trees.  I always have my camera at the ready, but have never yet caught anyone in the act. 

Be careful with your camera, it can get you into trouble.

I tried to photograph someone fouling against a tree outside the 'Roots' gates and was followed and abused until I felt quite threatened by the man's behaviour (& I wasn't the one breaking the law or exposing myself).

I'd hate to hear that someone had a bad experience.

However, if photos can be taken without being caught, it may be possible to name and shame

Sorry but men have pee'd up trees since ancient times.. even using the 'exposing himself' card won't change that. Most men pee towards the trees and it is not possible to view (the exposure) apart from sticking a camera in between. I do understand that women have a gripe about that, as they are not quite so flexible.. But no amount of fascist/communist style 'control' of open spaces will ever change that.

On my recent visit from Germany to Finsbury Park (June 2014), my german friend (London resident) and I noticed and talked about the obvious lack of husbandry of the trees in Finsbury Park.. as well as the large spaces without any new plantings. The lack of any investment is very clear to see. It certainly all looked very run down to me.


That's as maybe but it is against the law & I don't have a gripe about it as us girls are imbued with cast iron bladders

The fouling that I referred to was not peeing!!!

We're getting off the point......
!!!??? You are photographing men peeing against trees? Why?

This thread is about tree damage. As said above "we're getting off the point".

Sorry. Am I barking up the wrong tree?

There is some interesting material here regarding the type of damage caused by various animals. http://www.forestry.gov.uk/fr/INFD-6K4KAF#tablec

Also Google images for stripping bark might help identify (or exclude) the possible culprits.

Thanks. I have to say, it does look like a dog has just chewed the bottom of the trees and then strips of bark have been ripped off. The Guardian article linked below could explain it.

The owners of status attack dogs encourage them to strip the bark off trees to strengthen their ( the dogs'  ) teeth and jaws and develop their aggressivity. I've seen it done outside Hornsey library.



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