Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Went the other day and one of the jetwash guys hamfistedly broke off our rear windscreen wiper. Presumably an accident but he immediately sought to aggressively deny it was anything to do with him, despite the multiple broken pieces then being found amongst the puddles...

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My husband had a similar experience in the same place. They used swipe blades try dry off the car after washing and they weren't clean so scratched the car! Best avoided...
What happens to the new flats being built there?
They didn't get their latest planning application approved...so we get a tatty car wash instead....result (not)
Actually that's wrong...I just checked and the permission was granted. I seem to recollect another thread on here that speculated that the developers had got financial cold feet....perhaps post-Brexit jitters
I was thinking the same thing Neil. It pours across the pavement and into the street drain which carries water straight into streams and rivers. I'm sure that one of the conditions placed on a car wash is that the dirty water and detergent discharge into the sewer system, not the ground water one.

I thought car-wash run-off has to be discharged not just into sewer system (cf. into road drain and therefore into the poor old River Lea) but has to be filtered first as it contains too much oil and possibly other chemicals, which then upset the sewage process. 

If only we had enforcement officers to spare....

My thoughts exactly.

 A few comments have been deleted as they cross the line and leave the site open to charges of libel.

According to this post on the older thread, car wash gates currently locked.

Shame the rather good pun had to go, admins. But it only needs one twitchy litigant I guess.

They were dismantling the temporary structure when I cycled past earlier.
Sounds like planning enforcement may have finally done their bit.

Yup definitely all dismantled now. 



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