Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

HoL received the following email this morning to the residents of Harringay from Andrew Wright, Director of Strategic Development, Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust. It came with a request that we publish it to the local community. Please pass this on to neighbours who are not online.

Councillor Alexander's recent post has also highlighted the issue of residents not receiving the printed leaflets.

I am writing to follow up on recent comments about the public consultation on the future of St Ann’s Hospital being run by the Mental Health Trust. As the Director leading this project, I was concerned to hear that some local people have not received the consultation document. I would like to apologise for this. We used a distribution company to circulate the consultation document across Haringey, as we are committed to making sure that all those who have a view are able to contribute. We are disappointed that there have been some unexpected difficulties in some areas. We have followed this up and arranged for more copies to be circulated.

I would like to emphasie that the consultation runs until 3 August and there is still plenty of time for people to give their views. If anyone has not yet received a copy of the consultation document and wants one, it is available on the Trust’s website at www.beh-mht.nhs.uk/stanns or by e-mailing stanns@beh-mht.nhs.uk or by telephoning 020 8442 5886. Residents can feed in their views by filling in the form in the document or on line via www.beh-mht.nhs.uk/stanns. People can also find out more about the proposals at one of the drop-in sessions that we are holding every Wednesday between 2 and 4pm at the Oasis Restaurant at St Ann’s Hospital. They can also arrange alternative dates and times to discuss the plans by calling 020 8442 5886. We have arranged a number of other open events for people to contribute and we have been meeting with local community groups. We are very happy to attend other community group meetings to discuss the plans and this can be arranged by contacting us on the above telephone number / e-mail address. We have widely publicised the plans and the ways that people can input their views in the local press and will be publicising the consultation and how to input views in all the main local press again this week.

I am sorry that some residents have not received individual copies of the consultation document through their letter box. This is disappointing and not what we had planned, however we are making every effort to make sure that everyone who has views is able to give them. I would encourage anyone who has not yet seen the consultation document to ring us or e-mail us and we will send a copy or to look at our website and download a copy or give your views online. There is still plenty of time to contribute and we hope people will feedback their views through the many ways we have provided.

With many thanks


Andrew Wright

Director of Strategic Development

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

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they are really having a laugh as if they know we didnt get it the obvious thing to do is deliver it again-

Apart from not gettiing that material, I'm annoyed that the distribution company are probably still going to get paid. Would you or I get the cheque after such a monumental screw up? BTW - still no info delivered to my house on Warham.

Just caught up with this. It's very vague on how many extra flats/houses there would be - by the look of it, around 30 houses and twelve or so blocks of flats. That would be at the very least 2-300 more residents on St Ann's Road.

So even setting aside concerns about the precise mix of social and private housing (I think that it should all be the former in the current climate) and not having even seen the architecture, initial concerns are over infrastructure. With several hundred more people what are the provisions for:

a) more schools?

b) more buses?

c) more dedicated cycle routes?

d) more GP services?

e) traffic control on St Ann's Road

Also, that awful and dangerous mini-roundabout where Hermitage Road meets St Ann's Road is going to be made even worse as all the vehicular traffic for the new hospital will be going down Hermitage.

Given what we now know to be the case, I am surprised that the statement

"We have sent a copy of the consultation document to all households in Haringey"

remains on the website. It's more than a promise or undertaking: it says that this has already happened. Now it is accepted that some local people have not received the consultation document, I wonder how long the statement will remain. I have created a PDF (A4 x landscape) of the home page (attached) in case there is subsequent editing. I'm surprised that delivery of the consultation document is so easily discarded.

We are told that

we are making every effort to make sure that everyone who has views is able to give them,

assumes that everyone already knows about the proposals and may have views ready and waiting. An ability to give views is something wholely different from knowing about the proposals at all.

The point about sending the document to all households in the Borough, is surely that many people don't know that anything at all about what is proposed about St Anns.

How sincere is this?

One of the criteria for a lawful public consultation is that it should occur in the formative stages of a proposal, in order to be effective. The public need adequate and sufficient information in order to form an opinion.

Public Consultations can be struck down in the Administrative Court if they are not effective. To their shame, this is exactly what happened to the Charity Commission over the attempted sale of Alexandra Palace.


If this wasn't so serious, it'd be hilarious.

I live directly opposite St. Ann's and have had nothing at all in the way of consultation documents. If I didn't come to HoL I wouldn't know a thing about this.



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