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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Perhaps I'm in a minority of one. But every time I go up to the park, near to the café, I think "this is the highest point for miles" (well, nearly). But you can't see very far because of the trees.

Now I love trees, and would probably vote for more of them everywhere. But I also love viewpoints. Why don't we build a tower in Finsbury Park?

It wouldn't need to be ugly, or damaging to the skyline. A wooden beehive-type structure would allow for a spiral staircase - and possibly even a slide down. Imagine the views from the top!

The Shard, the Emirates Stadium, the BT tower, London eye, Wood Green Crown Court, Ally Pally, Tottenham, Chingford Mount, the green hills beyond..
A walk along the path on the eastern perimeter of the athletics area gives glimpses of the views that a Finsbury Park tower could offer...

But as it would be a tower for the local people, it would have to have the support of the people of Haringey... What do you say?

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Great idea. The whole of the London skyline is changing with something like 230 mostly residential towers going up now and in the next few years. So building up is all the rage right now

You're so right on and lefty... why not just cut some trees down? ;)

One of your better ideas John. We could cut the trees down to build the tower.

And the tower would be brilliant as a mobile phone mast.

Yes, or a bonfire.

Hi Anne

You can't see the view for the trees. That's the problem.

To my mind it doesn't make sense to have a park at the top of a hill and then obscure the view with foliage and other obstructions (such as the cafe) without providing a raised platform from which people can enjoy the view.

If you look on Twitter there are countless tweets celebrating the view from Alexandra Palace which to my mind is in no way superior to the views which could be seen from the lake in FP.

This is a great idea.

I wonder if it could be funded from all that new money the extra concerts in the park will be bringing in. Anyone have the contact details to ask the Finsbury Park Strategy Group ... ?

Except they would doubtless close it off during concerts - can't have anyone enjoying them for free!

Here is a photo of what we used to call the Rapunzel Tower in a Brussels park.  Unfortunately it was always locked.

This is/was one in Illinois USA. It too was at the top of a hill and the views were stunning. I think you were able to see across to 3 or 4 states. Sadly they've taken it down now possibly because of public liability issues. And that would be the stumbling block on any tower or structure open to the public.

Which park was that Dick ? I don't remember it.

Why not just pave over the whole of Finsbury Park and turn it into high-value apartments for Russian "oligarchs" (= gangsters). They'd probably allow a little ghetto of sheds for the plebs.



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