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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This was only implemented last Wednesday, the 10th. 

The controlled hours are

South Harringay School:  Pemberton Rd & Mattison Rd, 8.15 - 9.15 & 3.00 - 3.45

North Harringay School:  Frobisher Rd  &  Falkland Rd, 8.30 - 9.15 & 3.00 - 3.45

NOTE   As of Saturday morning, all the North Harringay signs are still blanked out by black plastic, so technically that scheme is not currently live (though the road-end cameras will be in place).    South Harringay signs are all revealed.

The Traffic Management Order that makes it enforceable was signed by Ann Cunningham on the 10th - see picture below. This has been in the works - consultation, proposal, statutory consultation, council approval - for a couple of years. To enact it with FIVE days notice is, well, shabby.  Or even Well Shabby.

Placement of the warning signs on Green Lanes for Mattison Road is very poor. The nearest lamp post has been used as the support, rather than  a stand-alone lower-level pole closer to the turning. Northbound, the sign is at the Duckett Rd turning and appears to warn of no turning into it - and you can't anyway, it is No Entry!

Discussion following the announcement in February that it would happen is here.

Tags for Forum Posts: north harringay primary school, school street, school streets, south harringay school

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Totally disagree. There has been lots of consultation, leaflets have been delivered to homes at least twice starting 2 months ago. Surely this can't be a surprise. Plus cars shouldn't be coming down streets with schools on at drop off and pick up time. I don't understand this issue here

How much notice do you think would be adequate Gordon? Given that school begins again on Monday and the hours are easy enough to remember and it’s only applicable during term-time plus residents can continue to use the road, what else do motorists need to know? It’s got to happen some time and has already been implemented around other schools in the borough. I think Harringay motorists can cope. 

I welcome the scheme without reservation - it's just the lack of current publicity I'm pointing out. Yes of course we've all known it was coming.

Not precisely when - till five days beforehand. There's nothing about the start date on the Council website, either in News or in the School Streets pages - I've just rechecked. Nothing.

Notice, Liz? - Haringey could have revealed the signs the day after the end of the spring term, thus giving a fortnight's fair warning to passing traffic before the first day of the summer term and the go live. Reducing traffic on the Ladder is the objective after all.

Alice B - I live on the Ladder but no leaflet - were they just delivered within the four relevant roads.?

I live on one of the affected roads and had a detailed letter explaining the new rules several weeks ago. Afaik, all parents/carers were informed at around the same time by both schools

Haringey could have revealed the signs the day after the end of the spring term, thus giving a fortnight's fair warning to passing traffic before the first day of the summer term and the go live.

I don't know about the Haringey school streets but there is one near my office and the signs are covered during the holidays (I assume as it is not in force). Not sure whether it is the same here.

I live on Warham (next north from Pemberton and South Harringay School) and we’ve been getting info for a few months.

The fact that parents at the schools and residents received a notice doesn’t mean that it’s fair notice for all the people visiting or passing through the affected roads.

Not a single self employed delivery person I spoke to knew about the restrictions until I told them. Many more will attend the street without knowledge and they personally will be liable for the fines, not their companies.

The council didn’t consult the individual drivers or their unions, just the companies that contract them. The companies don’t care, of course.

Also, look at the placement of the signs - they’re relatively invisible. The small plastic signs are literally small print. I think the placement, particularly where there’s a bus stop on Mattison Road is going to create a dangerous situation.

How on could they individually inform every person who potentially uses these roads?

They just needed to send a letter to every person in the UK.

On second thoughts, that wouldn't cover people coming from abroad to use the roads. Better make it everybody in the world.

Fair, clear, distinctive signage before the junction, on and painted on the road at the junction

this has been the same with LTNs and it's deliberate I feel tbh, considering they've also factored in the predicted millions Haringey will have as an income in fines into the next household.

I predicted to the consultation as well as to my WhatsApp ward group that what would happen is people would alight their children, or park on my street and take their children to school from my road via the Harringay Passage, as it's only an additional ~50 metres walk to do this.

As is always the case with consultations, the conclusion is foregone, and this point, along with the point that residents of my street were actually being punished by the programme, were dutifully ignored.

Now that this is in place my predictions have proven right and I see cars parking around the Passage and delivering children to school. 

I supported the initiative but not the implementation. So now I get even more traffic on my road, which is the number 1 most rat runned on the Harringay Ladder. 

But I'm still supposed to vote Labour in this next election because they are the best at running against bogeymen like Donald Trump. 



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