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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Last chance to Support Living Wightman, go the extra yard & make your mark.

I believe if we aim high we have a better chance of achieving a stand for air quality where we live.

We can't be complacent, many leaflets have been dropped advocating no change, which will be the poorest outcome for residents across the Ladder,
this is the first time our lungs have been considered, don't let Haringey council muddy the water, we need to go for it now.

I'm sure there are other posts on interventions, but this is my reminder.

Living Wightman's link here:

or follow the 10 step guide through below:
Q11: How do I complete the survey to support the filtering of Wightman Road?

Haringey council's engagement survey asks for your opinion on ten different 'Packages' of options, each Package has between 5 and 14 options.

For each option you can click a button to indicate how strongly you support or oppose that option:

In total there are over 70 options across the ten packages, (yes really,)
so allow yourself time if you want to read all the accompanying details & wish to answer every question.

It is possible to simplify the options, if you just want to support Living Wightman's aims.

If all you want to do is indicate support for "Package WL4: Wightman Road Closed (Filtered)",
follow these steps:

• Go to https://www.research.net/r/GLATS and click Next

• Click No to "Would you like to comment on this Package (AW - Area-wide Improvements)" - then click Next

• Also click No & click Next for the next two Packages PC and GL

• Click Yes to comment on Package WL

• For Package WL1, click "I don't know/not applicable" for each option

• Also for Package WL2 and WL3, you can click "I don't know/not applicable" for each option (you can click Oppose to options WL2-01a and WL3-01a if you are against one-way)

• for Package WL4, click "Strongly Support" for all options

• Question 13* is where you can indicate your preferred package as WL4 
(note that the question number may be higher than 13 if you clicked Yes to comment on any previous packages.)

• Click No & click Next for the last two Packages HE and SA

• The final question asks for your house number and postcode, this is just to allow the consultants to classify responses according to where they live (and stop the same household responding more than once!)

If you did want to comment on any of the other package options you can click Yes to any Package and then support or oppose the options as you wish. Most of us are strongly opposed to one-way (package WL2 and WL2) and generally support the various area-wide traffic calming and streetscape improvements and cycle schemes.

For Living Wightman the single most important goal is to maximise support for Package WL4 as this is the only option to ensure long-term drastic reduction of traffic on the worst affected Wightman Road.

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How is making the entirely factual statement that no councillor has come out in support of filtering Wightman Road spin? After all, these are politicians. They LOVE a local campaign; assuming they think they have merit. So where are they?
On other business, we're low on the priority.

How is making the entirely factual statement that one of our councillors said "the amount of traffic coming down the ladder roads really needs to be dealt with" spin?

Maybe our councillors are "mythical" like you said the mitigating measures were or "doesn't exist" like you said the budget was?

Millions in Community Infrastructure Levy money, (CIL) will leave Harringay ward, are any of our infrastructure projects or schools on the 123 list? Not that freely published, like Camden or other boroughs.

The Hampden Rd development together with the Hawes & Curtis site, would have provided enough to sort the Frobisher Road junction with Green Lanes, now further delayed. This is a diabolical stretch of road that has forgotten pedestrians and families, trying to get to North Harringay School morning and afternoon, this junction is a physical barrier that needs attention, feel free to quote me too.
The spin element is you trying to imply from Emina''s statement that she must be in support of filtering:
Option 4 (Filtering Wightman) is the only option which meets the "really needs to be dealt with" criteria isn't it?

I inferred from Emine's statement ("the amount of traffic coming down the ladder roads really needs to be dealt with") that she would support Package 4 (Wightman Filtering), since that is the only option package guaranteed to permanently reduce traffic.

I may be wrong. Emine may have been lying. She may have changed her mind. She might now think that the amount of traffic coming down the ladder roads should be maintained, or increased, in which case she might support Package 1, 2 or 3.

For the time being, I'm just grateful she was instrumental in enabling the Traffic Study to happen, which has brought the issues into welcome focus.

Antoinette - I just noticed this tweet from Emine:

""Option 4 (Filtering Wightman) is the only option which meets the "really needs to be dealt with" criteria isn't it?"""
No, not at all Joe.
That's just your interpretation.
Others may consider other options to be the answer.
As mentioned by Living Wightman, backing and support from groups who analyse the way we use our streets to get around, together with a coordinated transport plan will go a long way to planning a successful outcome.

The way we use our streets has become counter productive, we need design solutions and a range of interventions, that are fit for purpose and functional for residents needs. This would include a smooth priority for bus users. It's been tackled in Hackney and other areas of Haringey what are we afraid of?

What we need is to demonstrate a desire for change, so TfL and other departments can act.

Is it sane voting for an indicative increase of traffic of more than 40% to roads adjoining both Ladder schools?

Good point Nick - Option 1 does nothing to reduce traffic on Wightman itself, but just shifts a bit from one minor road to another (primary school roads circled below):

We're starting to nut this out, at last.



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