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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

On  BBC2 TV programme 'Back In Time For Christmas', Lionel Blair mentionss sheltering in Manor House tube station during WW2.



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Thanks Roy. Found the mention at around 18m. Sounds like he was a Manor House local then.

As you'd expect, I've updated the Blair article to add in Manor House tube.

He lived in Tottenham. He went to school with my dad in Seven sisters. Charlie Chaplin stayed in a house in Hermitage Rd for a while too aparantly . If you want more info I can't ask my dad .

If that's a typo and you can ask your dad, yes please!

Hi Hugh. Dad said he joined dads school just after the war he was a bit older than my dad and dad is 85. He said he wasn't there that long and he thinks he llived in the flats in Amhurts flats with Mike and Bernie Winters who also lived there . Dad said you could always hear the Winters brother playing instruments one on the clarinet and one on the drums . The school was called Stamford Hill School. The Charlie Chaplin thing is a rumour so I'm confirmed sorry.

My grandparents apparently spent one night during the Blitz at the Manor House station shelter, but had to sleep on the escalators. They never did it again, preferring the relative comfort of the Anderson shelter in the back garden. That was still there in the late 1950s.

Another point, often forgotten, was the mass euthansia of dogs early in the war. Food for dogs wasn't that easy to come by and dogs also suffered with the continual firing of anti-aircraft guns and the sound of bombs. There were AA anti-aircraft guns set up in Woodlands Park/Chestnuts Park, along with two or three barrage balloons, one of which slipped anchor, knocking the top of the steeple/spire* of St Ann's Church off.  * I never know which is correct. Even today the colour of the stonework of the new top of the steeple is different.

My grandparents' dog 'Tessie', a wirehaired terrier went that way in 1940. http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-24478532

I guess guilty consciences lead to this subject not being spoken about much.



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