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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Is it just me or are the dodgy groups hanging around the station getting worse?

I received some police marketing a while ago stating the issue was being "tackeled", and yet there are groups of guys out there blatantly dealing/taking drugs in broad daylight, with seemingly no fear that they may be arrested.

What can we do to make sure that the decent people of Turnpike Lane are not ignored?

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I agree with Finsbury Park Ranger that if these drugs were legalised the problem would go away, because they would be regulated and sold from shops. But they are not legal and they are not sold from shops, they are sold by a large group of men who do not pay taxes or benefit the community, instead they intimidate and harass people who walk pass them, who take over a large public spaces so that other people cannot use them (god bless the council for thinking that pedestrianising the bottom of Langham Road might magically lead to the creation of a continental style cafe culture), who legitimise a culture where drug users feel free to openly buy and use in the street in front of children and leave the detritus of their use wherever it suits, who undermine confidence in the police by seemingly operating with impunity and in doing so encourage other crimes and creating a status quo where the community just copes with antisocial behaviour rather than challenge it, who undoubtedly are themselves responsible for lots of ancillary crime - I sincerely doubt the weapons the police find on their routine weapons sweep of the ladder are left there by the local churchgoers (and wouldn't it be nice to live in an area where we the police did not have to sweep for weapons?). So why don't we try a two-pronged approach to this problem? FPR why don't you target the problem on a national level - perhaps with all the legislation changes the govt. is having to look at as a result of Brexit you might be able to get them to look at the issue as a priority. In the meantime everyone else can try and deal with the problem on a local level (which arguably is a better use of a local community forum) and make our community a more pleasant and safer place that way? 

Think global act local. Prohibition doesn't work locally or nationally. You cant stop demand of soft drugs by stopping supply. People gravitate to harder drugs ( like alcohol).

Whilst you can't limit the supply of very hard drugs without increasing the price  and effectively the amount of crime needed to buy them, hence increasing robberies or without implementing  draconian police measures and huge police budgets  

If anything we should ring fence a 'marijuana area's' where  marijuana dealers are not arrested if they sell only to over 18's and only punish dealers if they get caught with anything harder, selling to someone under age or acting in an aggressive manner.

That would be a positive move in the right direction. Drug testing services for hard drug users also would be a step in the right direction. The worse punishment should be reserved for   dealers selling something different to what they told the buyer it was or to someone under age. That's where local police forces should divert their energy.

Automated vehicles are already out there selling crack!!!? I bet there's an app you can use to summon it too.

Ubers driving around with dope vending machines in the boot. How cool.

'an ounce of common sense' - I wonder how much that would fetch on the streets!

I "use" both cigarettes and alcohol but am addicted to neither, and I can assure you I don't require any policing... my choices affect me and me alone...you can't say the same of heroin or crack users
Do the effects of passive smoking and NHS waiting lists effect fect you alone?
Smoking alone outdoors in my garden? No. And how does my occasional fag affect NHS waiting lists?
Antoinette I can't reply to your comment so I'll reply here. You help prop up an industry that kills more people in a day than the illegal drug industry kills in a week.




To be honest I couldn't give a toss if you smoke and drink. I'm. Having a beer now. But to assume that by doing what you do effects no one but yourself is nonsense.
Alcohol doesn't effect anyone else Antoinette ?
Pull the other one. It's the most harmful drug to others there is.

Maybe Ben et al. But Antoinette (I hope you don't mind me using you as an example) will have to prove her age when buying alcohol (not sure about the fags). It's called Challenge 25 (used to be 21)

No-one needs to show ID when buying weed etc - which is why my daughter and her friend were offered some in Duckett's Common while wearing their school uniform. And I remember a few of you thought this was quite amusing/harmless/irrelevant when I first posted about this.  Whose got the last laugh now?

Thank you for bringing us back to the original topic.
The criminal fraternity who have been gifted a monopoly of this huge industry.

Spending more money policing on drugs on Duckets common will move it a few streets away, no where else.



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