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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


Keston Centre  N17 is at the south east side of Downhills Park accessed via Keston Road and  houses Haringey Council’s Childrens’ Services, West Green Nursery & the Goan Centre.

Pocket Living the developers propose to build a huge development of 140 flats /houses on the site some up to 4 storeys,dominating this precious green space . Its completely out of character with the  area , and will have a detrimental impact on local residents . And developers plan  to carve out an area of the Park for access and parking.

  If you care about Downhills Park attend the  CONSULTATION MEETING ON 20 JULY 2016

 Downhills Park Friends’ and residents’ main objections are to:

--the huge development of up to 4 storeys which will dominate our  award-winning park

   -  carving out part of this protected green space currently enjoyed by the public

 --the development being completely out of character with the surrounding 2-storey buildings

 --the development posing a detrimental impact on local residents’ parking, local services & family lives


 Attend the official Consultation meeting and make your voice heard on  20 July 2016, 7pm – Haringey Planning Development Management Forum

or talk to the developers 3.30 - 6.30 pm  

Venue for both :  West Green Baptist Church, 182/184 West Green Rd, N15 5AF

  • Join us to discuss further action and in making an objection to the planning application, due to be submitted to Haringey Council probably in September 2016 - for details contact Rod on 07584 253699 or rodwells1@hotmail.co.uk


    Background  In March 2015 Haringey Council’s Local Plan (Planning document) showed a proposed development on this site  of 87 dwellings and up to 5 storeys high, and more than 60 residents objected to this. 


    Then Haringey council sold the land to developers, Pocket Living, despite total lack of consultation of  local residents and their  protests-which  were not even allowed  to be heard at the Councils Cabinet meeting . The plan allowed for a proposal of  102 residential units !.

    Now Pocket Living are planning this huge development of 140 flats /houses is planned up to 4 storeys and dominating the Park !

    BUT Planning permission still needs to be granted at the Council’s  planning committee l –possibly in September 2016

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Rod - thank you for publicising this. The especial horror is the taking of part of Downhills park - its illegal and,if successful would be a terrible precedent. See3 yui at the meeting! Kate

I thought it might be helpful to see what Haringey's site allocations policies say about the Keston Road site (extract below). I can't see how the proposal in any way meets these criteria. MOL means Metropolitan Open Land (the park in this case). Interestingly the Pocket Living website makes great play on the claim that they do not provide on site parking and instead concentrate on cycle provision, so what on earth is a proposal for a car park doing here? The Site Allocations policy also has the indicative number of units as 70 plus 1,222 sq meters of community provision.

Site Requirements
▪ No buildings need to be retained, but the existing uses should be reprovided prior to any development taking place.
▪ Access to the site requiring the use of, or impacting on, any element of MOL will need to justify how the benefits provided by the benefits of the development justify any and mitigate any impact.
▪ Pedestrian and cycle access from the south west corner of the site into Downhills Park and towards the West Green Rd local centre should be provided.
Development Guidelines
▪ Heights should be reduced in the east of the site to respect the amenity of the properties on Keston Rd.
▪ Development should respect the neighbouring Downhills Park and not have a detrimental effect on it.
▪ The site lies in a groundwater Source Protection Zone, and any development should demonstrate how it improves local water quality.
▪ A piling statement will be required prior to any piling taking place.
▪ The Keston Centre has some heritage significance, and retention of this building as part of a wider development could be considered.
Maybe we should wait until there is an actual application before we judge it?

Rod is likely to oppose new homes anywhere!

Hi Stuart

Obviously we;ll see the plans today.

I only oppose new homes that dont fit in with the area. This is an area of 2 storey Victorian/Edwardian houses and proposed 4 storey development  will dominate -and spoil - Downhills Park. And the Councils Local Plan proposes  only 70 units on the site!


'One' of the problems with your view is that if we build only land-hungry Victorian/Edwardian houses they will be a great deal less affordable than the proposed Pocket flats!

I don't call 4 storeys huge.... and I can't see any actual information that confirms their assertion that any part of the park will be requisitioned...


4 Storeys is huge overlooking a park-but 140 is huge on the area and against 80 houses nearby.

They have talked to Downhills Friends of "swaping " part of the Park land for access.


That's your view...I happen to disagree.. and describing a swapping of land as "developers plan to carve out an area of the Park for access and parking" is rather disingenuous don't you think?

I also have concerns as to while constructing how much building dust will be in school back playground no matter what the height they build to. Will it be necessary to only use front play area which is totally unfeasible with the number of children currently at Downhills/Harris Primary school.

You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.... and the size of the omelette doesn't really make a difference as you yourself have said.

I think that a lot of people are missing the point. Public land for parks is important and it is just so juicy a prospect to build on, be it flats or even just access, that it needs some pretty vigorous defending.

I did see a comment on here yesterday about demolishing our Victorian terraces and building anew. I've been advocating this for years. The 11 houses in the terrace I own a house in on Lausanne Rd are collectively worth no more than £10,000,000. Should you demolish them and build more along the lines of Marylebone High Street you would still be able to live there in a spacious flat with your own garden and have two spacious flats above you worth about the same. This would DOUBLE your equity for just the modest cost of the works. That is what is driving these developers.

This development isn't on parkland...it's adjacent to it



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