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Council Seeks to Move Crossrail 2 from Centre to North of Borough - Last Chance to TfL What you Think

As a result of the Council's aspirations for Wood Green, a further option has been added to the Crossrail 2 route. They want the Ally Pally option routed via Wood Green instead of Turnpike Lane.

Whilst this option may serve the Council's own aspirations, it moves the station away from a point that's as close to the centre of the borough as it's possible to get to one towards the northern boundary. The Turnpike Lane option also looks to be much better connected by road and I believe by bus too. What's more is that the Wood Green option would call for a huge ventilation shaft to be dug in Downhill's Park.

The TfL consultation ends on 8th Jan. If you'd like to have your say on this option click through to the consultation main page or go straight to the questions (If you're only interested in this part of the consultation, you need do no more than answer four questions and give your name.  

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I'm in two minds about this. I think the Turnpike Lane route makes more sense and would be more useful to local residents - but it would mean tunnelling right under my house!

If I lived in a house above a proposed Crossrail tunnel I wouldn't be concerned. The depths will be much greater than that of the Piccadilly line, or High Speed 1 which currently has big trains passing through without causing noise or vibration problems.

Deeper than the Piccadilly line? So no Finsbury Park style interchange?

Matt, you took the effort to log into your alter ego account?!

Can anyone provide a direct web link to the page where one can object to this particular proposal please?

I am specifically objecting to a vent tower in Downhills Park.   I've tried to find one but none seem official ??

Hi by1999 and all

The link to the three main options ie Wood Green /Turnpike La/Alexandra palace are at....


and you can put comments/objections against each one

Turnpike La does not involve putting a Shaft Building in Downhills Park!


Most helpful thanks so much!!

Hi all


I join this discussion giving the Friends of Downhills Park perspective.  We would be in very much favour of the Turnpike lane Option as the Wood Green option means building a 2 storey Escape Building/Shaft  in Downhills Park destoying the corner of our lovely Victorian park .

If you care for the park complete and want the more convenient Turnpike Lane option then fill in the consultation today  BY 5 PM !  at 


The main objections  from the Friends of Downhills  are :

·         Permanent loss of land  in Downhills Park 

         Create massive disruption for five years whilst construction takes place;

·         Obstruction of  the existing running track round the recreation ground;

·         Worsen the serious traffic-congestion problems in the surrounding roads for residents for up to five years:and


Crecreate a 25-metre (or larger) Building over the completed shaft and leave one corner of Downhills Park with a permanent eyesore.

Full details of the plans the Seven Sisters Route at...

And you will note details of the Crossrail2 shafts here and note they are normally covered by existing buildings not located in parks…. 

The closing date is  TODAY    8 January 2016 and I would urge you to send in an objection NOW  

Rod Wells

One of the Friends of Downhills Park

Thank you Rod Wells for this; where does one 'go' after opening www.crossrail2.co.uk page??

I've given links and directions to get to the consultation page in my original posting.

Completed my response to the consultation this evening. I'm really not thrilled with either of the proposals, and I keep going back and forth weighing it all up.

I live close to Alexandra Palace and close to the work sites - so there would be 5-8 years of potential grief, plus I'm really not convinced that the small area around the station can handle the additional traffic and people. It would definitely change the nature of the place and eat up one of our favourite parks. But I can see that most people seem to prefer this option; I can obviously see the advantage for rail connections.

Someone else suggested Wood Green and Harringay as an alternative. I'm not keen on the Wood Green option either (the loss of the cinema would grieve me and I don't want to see Downhills Park compromised). I would prefer something away from the High Road to open up the centre of Wood Green - but I understand that that is not what Crossrail 2 is intended to do.

Don't want to be a nimby. Don't want to stand in the way of progress. Want the area to do well. Just obviously concerned about what this means for places I care about. Want everything to somehow be okay for everyone but don't trust either Crossrail or Haringey Council to bring this about.

Thank you again Kate, for a great summary of the situation, especially your last sentence



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