Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

TOMORROW (Monday) night the Council Regulatory Committee meets to consider the future of Wood Green.

The Council paper has the snappy title, Wood Green Investment Framework & Area Action Plan: Broad Options for Regulation 18 Consultation. Of the four options listed for Wood Green's future, the Council favours Option 4 (below):

  1. High Street Rejuvenation
  2. Residential Led Town Centre
  3. Comprehensive Redevelopment
  4. Complete Transformation*

* This option promotes a complete transformation of the town centre through significant interventions aimed at unlocking the development potential of the wider town centre area through radical changes in the layout of existing urban blocks. It promotes shifting the heart of the town centre further down High Road to benefit from a new Crossrail 2 station that will be located below a new public square in the vicinity of the current library, at the heart of the new town centre. Around this square taller buildings would be located while the depth of both sides of the High Road would expand to provide larger retail floorplates with greater potential for residential above. …

For those interested, more information can be found here.

Haringey Councillor
Liberal Democrat Party
Member of the Regulatory Committee

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It seems to place more importance than the typical resident would on the placement of council offices!
I'm sure most of us would rather that the 'anchor' of any new development is a decent department store, rather than the council's 'front-end office'.
I get your point Richard but I hope what it will do is make Wood Green more "all points of the compass" than it is now. At the moment it feels like a narrow north/south corridor and doesn't really connect with Alexandra Palace and the area around Coburg Road and it turns its back on the roads to the east. What I'd like to see are real streets running east/west and what gets in the way is the massive bulk of the shopping city.
the massive bulk of the shopping city.
Michael if you're suggesting it's unlovely, I would agree with you. I expect you know the history of Wood Green Shopping City and the entity responsible for it?

Indeed, Her Majesty the Queen who opened it in May 1981!
It was a horrible act of destruction that mirrored what was going on in many major towns and cities (of all political complexions) in the late 70s and early 80s. In my home town of Sunderland the narrow winding streets in the centre, that had existed since the early 18th century and included a wonderful town hall, was ripped out and replaced by something very like Wood Green. The same happened in neighbouring towns like Gateshead and Newcastle.
Don't know if any Haringey councillors are still with us from back then but I hope they hang their heads in shame every time they pass by it.

Officialdom—at a level even higher than our Local Authority—seems to have taken a parallel view about the merits of WGSC.

Below is an excerpt from the 1996 letter from the Treasury Solicitor to the then LBH Chief Executive.

(The context was the CEO had sought State indemnities about our charitable trust Alexandra Palace; the APDT (AKA the "Design Team") was at Haringey Council; PMI was a consultancy firm brought in to see what went wrong at AP, where spending had gone out of control to such an extent that at one time Haringey became Britain's most indebted local authority, the consequences of which live on):

(click to enlarge; ex-page five; full letter attached below).


What puzzles me is how Haringey can assume that the Crossrail 2 option for Wood Green might be considered when there is no information about the new AAP. The Crossrail consultation asks people to provide their views on something they cannot comment on since the only available info is what is available here.

The end of the Crossrail consultation is 8 January so Haringey surely cannot trick the game at this late stage with as yet a non-existent plan, just a proposal??

The end of the Crossrail consultation is 8 January 

Yes: this Friday.

If anyone wishes to comment, they'd better get typing:


I can't understand this obsession with providing car parks. Two tube stations, Crossrail and goodness knows how many buses. Surely that's enough?
By the way FPR, I was at one of the consultation events where the demolition of the cinema was suggested by a participant. There were a number of voices in favour and also a number against. Personally I'd like to see it go and for it to be replaced by something more elegant than the monstrosity that's on the site. It just sits there, with no connection with anything else around it, as if it's daring you to be foolish enough to go inside while the wind churns up the pointless empty space around it.

Forget the Crossrail bit Michael.  With most observers expecting the British economy to dip quite serverely in the coming couple of years. I expect it all to be kicked into the long grass..

Perhaps when the upturn comes, this proposal will be modified to something much more acceptable.

Trams please

Some really good examples of integrated transport including tramways in Nantes and Montpellier.  It also includes car sharing for those who live in more remote places.

Exactly.. But it won't happen.. You're talking Tory U.K. here



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