Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Eight years ago when I started HoL, I hoped we would eventually hit the dizzy heights of 200 members. It is with some degree of shock I realised recently that we were fast heading towards 10,000. Today with the joining of Eleanor Kiff, we reached that number.

So welcome Elanor and all other 9 999 members.

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A Myriad Members

Salute Hol's Hero!

Like Emperor Nero 

Fiddling Rome's embers,

Hugh deserves that extra Zero.

I note that someone called Eddie Finnegan seems to have joined on the Idus Martii 2761 a.u.c. - which also happened to be his wife's 60th Birthday - no necessary connection that I can trace.

Your post has prompted me to update my profile age range. Next to do is my profile picture as something seems to have happened to the flowing locks of burnished chestnut I once had.

Alas, Hugh's excision of the extra Zero from his headline sort of kicks the crap out of my deathless classical verse above. It was also a hint that those Myriad members are on the way to be 100,000 soon.

Sorry about that. I missed the clue - and there was me whining away that people don't point out my howlers to me often enough!

Congratulations Hugh. HoL has been a wonderful addition to the richness of Harringay. Thank you

Well done! When's the party?

Actually Hugh, when is the next HoL get together? Could use it as an excuse for a bit of a knees up.

Could do. Now if only there were someone to organise it..............

Since it was Michael's suggestion .......

I'm no good at social events. But maybe something really informal. X place on X date at X time? Wear a sticker with your HoL name?



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