Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Not mine, details here


Jasper is not microchipped, no collar. Owner has confirmed below that Jasper is neutered. Lost since 30th June. He is black, with a very small white patch on chest. When he went missing, he also had a bald patch on one shoulder.

Tags for Forum Posts: black cat, lost black cat, lost cat

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Hi Claire. Well done for giving a home to a street cat, he is lucky to have a lovely home with you! I agree there are a lot of strays needing help and yes a lot of them are black cats. It's great that he's neutered.

It's harder to find a missing black cat so as well as the usual things like flyers (with a good photo) etc it's a good idea to knock on neighbours' doors in your vicinity and those with gardens backing on to yours and publicise it as much as you can. He is likely to be in the area and not everyone is online. Flyers through doors as well often gets results. It's good that Jasper has a very small white patch on chest as that will distinguish him a bit - most black cats have just a few small white strands on chest.

Stokey Cats and Dogs group can help you as well. They are on Facebook and Twitter and their website is www.stokeycatsanddogs.co.uk so make sure they have his details. They are good at publicising and reuniting lost and found cats and dogs in North London. Plus they have great advice on finding a lost pet on their website.

He may turn up at local rescue place at some point in the future so keep an eye on them, make sure they have his details (and local vets) - sadly there are so many homeless black cats. As well as the obvious shelters, there's also London Cat Rescue based in Hornsey N8 www.catchat.org/shelter_centre/index.php?route=shelters/shelter&...

When you find him, it's great that you're going to get him microchipped, it's vital. He looks like such a lovely cat!

Hi Claire,

Thank you so much for your nice comments about Stokey Cats...and dogs. We're trying our best to help but it's working also because of kind and caring people like yourself. Thank you once again! 

This is right by me - I'm running errands today so will keep an eye out for him!

I posted for you on Stokey Cats...and dogs, twitter and Streetlife. Will send his picture to local vets tomorrow too. In the meantime it would be great if you could post leaflets through letter boxes. As he is friendly, he is probably in someone's house, not too far from his own home. Please don't give up and do keep us updated. 

Hi Claire. Alison on another forum, thinks she may have seen your cat in her garden in Hornsey Road area. Her number is 0207 159 4534 if you want to call her.

Yes that's odd. I've updated it on here for you to show Kimberley Gardens.

If you go into your Animal Search account, you should be able to correct the postcode on there.

I hope they will not leave the cat at Harsmworth. They put cats down if owners not found and cats are not chipped.

Yes make sure the cat is not left at the RSPCA, as an unmicrochipped cat might be put down and black cats and black and white cats are particularly vulnerable to that happening!

It's much better to get it scanned at a private vet, it's free, and they have the best microchip scanners www.villagevet.co.uk



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