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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This is so upsetting as I love my little park, but I was robbed at knifepoint in broad daylight in Downhills Park earlier this evening. It was raining so not many people about but I have never felt unsafe in there before. Anyway - this is just for info really, as always it is best to keep your wits about you (unlike me)!

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Kate, very sorry to hear this happened to you. I love Downhills Park too and spend a lot of time there in the summer. Hope you're feeling ok and your confidence hasn't taken too much of a knock.

Really sorry to hear this Kate. I was mugged at knifepoint in Finsbury Park some years ago and for a while it made me think twice about things I'd previoulsy taken for granted, but I'm pleased to say it wasn't enduring.

So sorry to hear this. What a horrible shock for you. I hope you're ok. I had started using Downhills a lot more lately but based on this will probably avoid or at least be a lot more careful. Was it reported to the police? Just wondering if they might step up their patrols around the park as a result.

Do you think there was any obvious reason they targeted you? Ever since my bag was snatched from me a few years ago on Seven Sisters road I've switched to wearing a cross body bag instead of the sort of handbag you carry by hand. A bag snatcher would not go for that as it's not an easy target.

Yes I reported to the police who did a drive around and have taken lots of details.

I think the reason I was targeted was because I was alone and it was quiet (as I mentioned, it was raining so not many people out and about). I suspect he was out looking for opportunities and circumstances conspired against me. I agree a cross-body bag is effective against bag snatchers but on this occasion he held me up against the fence with a large knife and demanded my bag, so I don't think it would have made much difference.

I should also say I have used Downhills Park almost daily for two years and have had no hint of trouble before.

This has really rattled me (though I'm sure nowhere near as much as it has you)! I almost went over to Downhills at that time yesterday with my dog but drove to ally pally instead. If you think you'd like to 'get back on the horse' (so to speak) I'll happily meet you at Downhills gates late afternoon (or another day) if it would help to have some company?

Of course it's understandable if its just too soon or you'd may prefer to avoid it altogether.
Send me a friend request on here and we can take it from there but no worries if not.

Thank you. I am off on holiday tomorrow for two weeks and looking forward to getting away for a while. I am sure I will be fine as I use the park with my kids all the time - but thank you for the offer, very much appreciated.

That's terrible. I hope you are ok. Take care.

Thank you everyone.

Horrible for you. Hope he can be found and stopped. And another reminder not to keep your house keys in your bag with any ID that can reveal an address - they belong in your pocket.

Sorry to hear this Kate, As a regular park user myself I'd be interested to know the description of your assailant, if he exited the park onto West Green Road he may (hopefully) have been captured on the council's CCTV. 

Really sorry to hear this as I love the park and gutted to hear that this happened to you, but i hope you get to go back their soon and enjoy it. Thanks for letting us know and also telling the police, hopefully they will catch this person as anyone who's prepared to use a knife should receive the full consequences of the law, or street justice.

Hi Kate,

I am very sorry to hear about what has happened. I am part of one of the three sports club that use the park and our clubhouse located at the Downhills Park road end. Would it be possible to share with us where in the park the incident took place?

We have been using the park for over two years and have not heard of anyone been mugged. We are aware the there are a couple of homeless people living in the bushes at the Downhills Park road entrance.

I really hope that the culprit is found and you are not turned off using the park.



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