Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

How can HoL and it's members effect more change in it's community?

I'm interested in how this fairly new interactive community media site (HoL) can effect more changes on the ground and for the better within its own area (Harringay).

Does anyone on this site have examples of HoL members using this site for initiating community projects over the last 12 months that we can learn from. It may involve using HoL to organise, disseminate information etc.

I can think of one example to illustrate; the Parks Group was used to publicise the Ladder Summer Party at the open space in Falkland/Fairfax rds. The day brought a lot of people together around the Friends Group that is already working to re-develop the children's play areas, in conjunction with the council and the charity Groundwork. Even MP Lammy turned up with his family and various councillors. Very successful use of HoL.

To wrap up, if anyone has ideas for community involvement/projects please let us know. An example might be to set up a 'know and help your elderly neighbours network'.

Your thoughts appreciated!

Thank you


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Good question Matt.

For me this site does three main things.

Firstly, it can help people feel more connected, particularly those who don't have kids and/or aren't in the church hall/community activist mould.

Secondly it's a channel of information.

Thirdly it has great potential to help people collaborate to shape the place they live in.

I hadn't personally given much though to the fourth role the site could also play in supporting the initiation of community projects. So thanks for pointing that up. The know and help your elderly neighbours network is a great idea. It would be great to see. I think it'll be slower coming, But it would be great to see that happen.

Do you have a particular project in mind Matt. It would be great if an experienced community activist like you could lead the way and see how effectively we could use the site for a project like the one you suggest.
Thanks for your thoughts Hugh. Let's call it community volunteer and therefore community volunteering.

Yes I like the know and help your elderly neighbours idea. Most projects take a while to get going.

Anyone else with some thoughts and ideas?
This week, I posted this discussion on the more specific theme of this community coming up with projects for the Making the Difference fund. As you can see, Annie and I have already been kicking around some ideas on the theme of the Memory bench, a simple way of building relationships, gathering oral history and developing a sense of place through its social history.
Yes this is another good example Liz. The MtD fund is a good way to centre in on a community project. I'll help with the Memory bench idea if you need it. Maybe it could be located in the open space at Falkland/Fairfax.
We'd envisioned it being a movable bench in the sense that it can be easily moved around different places for special events in areas like community centres, even street corners but we could keep it sometimes in the Falkland/Fairfax and the Gardens community garden.
I haven't considered the mechanics of it yet as it is still on the 'ideas board' but possibly I could get Bruce Castle Museum interested as well. It would probably be a project with a time limit say one year or less.
OK. Sounds very interesting and ambitious.
Well its's affected my social life, I'm out more now. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing?
I also think that the individual objections to planning matters work well as they are. If you really do object, click on the link and object. If you don't, don't.

I would not like to see HoL speaking with one voice on matters, we're just far too diverse a crowd for that to be fair (IMO).
I don't see the need for the extra technology involved when objecting to planning applications one-by-one seems to work just fine.

I also think this website has the potential to be a very powerful "vote generating machine" and that we should avoid anything that smells like that at all costs.



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