Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

HARRINGAY residents and transient motorists might like to view this sub-five-minute video shot this afternoon.

It's a time-lapse over 60 minutes (link below).

It features the foot of Hewitt Road from where motorists exit, but are not permitted to turn right.

Further along the street, a different camera – a Council-controlled camera – keeps an eagle eye out for unsuspecting motorists. It records the action more regularly and more determinedly than the footage you're about to see.

Watching the video:

  • Keep your eyes on the lower right of the frame: each time a vehicle turns right into Green Lanes, the figure of £180* is displayed. [*in the first of the three videos below, that should have been rendered as £130 and mentioned £65 if advantage were taken of the quick-payment deal]
  • If you watch through to the end, a summary of the hour's activities and that hour's takings is displayed.
  • Finally, there's a Star-Wars-like listing of the locations in Haringey where such cameras are located. Enjoy.

Enjoy ?!

Thanks for the HD video and editing go to Paul Stork

New link to Video (on Vimeo)


Highgate Ward

Liberal Democrat Party

Tags for Forum Posts: 60-mins, FPN, Fixed-Penalty-Notice, Hewitt, No-right-turn, Road, time-lapse, £130, £180, £65

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What on earth? Alan Stanton anyone?
Alan showed an interest in what was going on locally when he was a councillor. I don't think he actually campaigned against something happening in the area that local residents seem to support.
The A1 is a road of national importance, the Tottenham gyratory of regional importance. Hewitt Road is a residential street used by people to avoid the snarl ups on Green Lanes partially caused by drivers doing a right turn.

Michael, when I was councillor, and now as a resident and a citizen, am I going to walk past a pile of dumped rubbish, or what looks like a dangerous pothole, because it's not in my ward?

A bus driver I know, phoned me about what he suspected was a dangerous structure he'd seen on his route. Not my ward. Should I have waited for the ward councillors to act? Of course I didn't, Though as a matter of courtesy I copied them in.  Which I'd do whether they were Labour, LibDem or independents.

I suspect that most residents wouldn't be able to tell you the names of their ward councillors. Or where the ward boundaries run. And most of the time it's irrelevant. At worst it means that in Secret Haringey council staff have yet another excuse to keep councillors in the dark because they are deemed to have "no need to know". 

Spot a problem?  Report it.  Have an idea? Suggest it.  See what seems to suggest a wider issue? Raise it.

Your assumption that councillors have access to effective scrutiny bodies and mechanisms is formally true. But in Haringey this is largely a fiction. Not always, but most of the time.

Like many people - including me - Clive Carter's strengths are often his weaknesses too.  As I've told Clive, he can be an irritating pain. He can bark up the wrong tree. (Or CCTV column). But sometimes he gives a warning growl that we need. On occasions, Clive has done us all a huge favour by sinking his teeth into something and refusing to let go. 

Other times, people may groan. "There-he-goes-again" .  Or: "what's-he-going-on-about-now?"  I've thought both of these. And I expect that people have said the same about me.

But actually we need more Clives. We need more bloggers like the famous Barnet bloggers.) More F.o.I. questioners uncovering Haringey's nasty secrets on What Do They Know.  We need more journalists prepared to dig. More trade unionists challenging poor management. More brave whistle-blowers exposing poor practice. The sad truth in Haringey is that our local democracy has become diseased in the stale dank air of River Park House.  Fresh air and sunshine can help it recover some rude health.

Hi Everyone I have an update and its good news. The council is willing to add an additional sign on the left hand side. Also the Fixed Penalty notice is £130 reduced to £65 if payed within 14 days so some of what has been said on here is misleading. The email also confirms that the amount is set by the Mayor of London and and ratified by the Secretary of state and not set by the council. 


Dear Cllr Ibrahim,

Thank you for you recent enquiry regarding the no right turn on Hewitt Road.

We’ve tried hard to make sure that that this junction is very clearly and correctly signed as per other banned turn locations within the Borough. As well as ensuring that the size of signage is appropriate for this location and in accordance with the relevant regulations, you may have noticed that we’ve put up advanced warning signs located on Wightman Road. Additionally, we have included a very clear "TURN LEFT" road marking to supplement the 'no right turn' sign.

Although we do feel the restriction on turning right is already very clear, and strikes the correct balance between having adequate signage without “street clutter”, we’re always willing to consider suggestions that could make things clearer still. Therefore, I’m pleased to tell you that your idea to add an additional sign on the left hand side of Hewitt Road to provide further warning is something we are willing to implement.

Despite our best endeavours to make sure motorists do see the warnings and signs, inevitably some drivers will deliberately disobey a banned turn. Furthermore, in our experience, any alterations to road layouts normally leads to a higher contravention rate initially, whilst drivers who had previously been used to turning right adjust their driving behaviour. With this in mind we may begin to see a drop in the number of Penalty Charge Notices we are issuing and increased compliance. In response to your specific question, I can tell you that 22 PCNs were issued on 5th August.

In the event of someone receiving a PCN, the PCN amount is £130.00 but is reduced by half, to £65.00, providing payment is made within 14 days. The amount is set by the Mayor of London and ratified by the Secretary of State, and not determined by the Council. The PCN also sets out very clearly how the PCN can be challenged. Should the Council reject representations to cancel a PCN, then our response includes details of how the recipient can appeal to the independent adjudicator.

Moving traffic contraventions have been “decriminalised” across London and are now enforced by Local Authorities as a civil matter, under the London Local Authorities and Transport for London Act 2003. Penalty Charges are collected by the Council. The police do not receive any income from the PCNs we issue.

I do hope I have been able to answer your enquiry satisfactorily and address the issues raised. If I can be of any further help, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Tim Gunn
Parking Operations Manager

Haringey Council
3rd Floor, 48 Station Road, Wood Green, London N22 7TY

T: +44(0)20 8489 1440 M: +44(0)7980 316670

Good grief. What is with councillors and their love of street signs? Aren't there enough signs on green lanes already? Ermina now you have arranged for one more sign to adorn the streets can you counteract that by asking the local estate agents of your ward to remove their illegal boards?

Can you cite different methods that are used for achieving behaviour change at the bus lane on Green Lanes or the no right turn into Warham, or the yellow box junction at the Salisbury/Green Lanes junction? I don't get the excitement over this one issue when, as far as I'm aware, the methodology here is exactly the same as used elsewhere locally. 

Alex, I hadn't based that figure on my own experience (I don't own a car) but had relied on someone else's mistaken memory. The digits threes and eights are often mistaken for each other.

According to the Council's website, the Fixed Penalty Notice charge is £130 rather than the earlier reported £180 and I accept that as the correct figure (subject also to a prompt payment discount):

Screen shot above from Council's website

A further correction, is that John McMullen was of course right in saying that Green Lanes is not a Red Route as I had incorrectly asserted (it's easily checked).

Even so, huge sums of money are being generated on this junction with a TfL-controlled road and it seems to me that this now dominates any road safety or traffic management aspect.

If a second No-Right-Turn sign is now to be placed on the left side (facing GL), then that is a step forward, I think. Should a sign on the left side not have been there all along? I believe there remain other aspects of signage that need attention.

Here's a photo of the two cameras trained on the Hewitt Road intersection with Green Lanes:

The new second camera (the right one) appears to be similar to the small one that monitors Wightman Road

Alex give it a chance! Just one camera could raise millions over its working life, even if we assume the discounted penalty remains £65, which is a sum that means more to some than others.

I see you still haven't reworded your original post to remove the £180 figure, preferring to leave it a bit ambiguous.

I've reworded it (above and below) to make it clear that the figure is displayed (in the first video) but incorrect. Even if I could re-edit the video, that you seem to want, much of the comment in this thread would then no longer make sense.

the figure of £180* is displayed. [*in the first of the three videos below, that should have been rendered as £130 and mentioned £65 if advantage were taken of the quick-payment deal].

The reason for the question mark at the end was that I found the quantity of tickets issued hard to believe and possibly a mistake: "7081" [here]. Also, it's not clear what period that covered.

The bigger picture is that even at £65 a go, the camera is I estimate,  during daytime, generating between £500 to £1,000/hour.

The total takings may have increased by roughly £100,000 since the earlier post began, but feel free to suggest your own figure.

Clive what ARE you talking about ! Please read my post and you will see that I posted the response to my enquiry. You say £500 to £1000/hour. Either this is deliberately misleading or your calculator needs a new battery! I made the enquiry on 6th August and asked for the number of fixed penalty notices the camera issued on 5th and the response was 22. At £65 this totals at a rough average of £60 per hour (if you accept that a day has 24hrs) if all pay within 14 days and £120 per hour if all pay after 14 days.

Green Lanes isn't a TFL controlled road.



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