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Russell Brand on fire with Paxman - one to watch ...

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This resinates with so many folk who are completely disillusioned with politics (and the global wealth gap) at every level. Can't stand him as a comedian but I am definitely warming to him.

At the end of the seventies I was in a Department store in Maryland and saw "Counter Culture" in the store directory. So I went looking for it. What would they be selling that reflected the '68 generation and the enormous creative changes which followed? 

I followed the signs but kept missing it. So I doubled back following the signs in the opposite direction. Nothing. So I found a member of staff and asked. After getting me to repeat the question a couple of times in different ways - my hard to understand British accent - she pointed wearily at the Counter Culture cafeteria next to where we stood.

To market, to market ... on whose terms?

Brand channels Oscar wilde - Good one

The more recent discussion here.

Gotta admire his extraordinary vocabulary and the ease with which it pours out - 'lachrymose sentimentality' is not an everyday insult. 

Don't listen to people telling you not to vote!!! That's the bloody problem! We don't vote!

No, the problem is there is nothing viable with any credibility to vote for. If I don't want sausage and mash and that's what is on offer x5 I won't eat it no matter how much glitter your sprinkle on it.

We are subservient slaves to this un-democratic system (dressed up as democracy).

The affluent, comfortable have nothing to fear but who represents the sizeable underclass, working class, poor, vulnerable? Brand is bang on.

Hey great one to post! Its gone viral on my facebook for sure.... Brand is like a breath of fresh air for me! Interesting times for sure, in America Marianne Williams who wrote the book A Return to Love is also standing as a candidate over there, she has many followers that will be interesting to follow.  

Great debate about whether to vote or not to vote, I love your sausage and mash analogy Birdy...(although edible glitter rules ok;)..... I agree its worthless at present there is not one party that stands out for me, neither does the system work.... What do we do in the meantime? Idea's Russell?

Just seen this. He's become a much more interesting person over the years and I believe he is utterly sincere in his disgust for self-interested politicians who are determined to do nothing to challenge scandalous levels of inequality and environmental destruction.

For anyone who identifies with his message I would urge you to get involved with Left Unity. We are trying to build exactly the kind of movement that Russell Brand calls for. Our founding conference will take place on November 30th in Central London and in the meantime we are building the local group here in Haringey. Our next organising meeting is next Wednesday evening (30th) in Yayla's restaurant, Green Lanes at 7.15pm. This country is in dire need of a meaningful alternative to the established political parties, and we are determined to build it. Come and get involved!

With all due respect I think your man Brand would take one look at Left Unity and run a mile! He's not about the old politics of left & right. Left Unity is packed full of discarded middle class remnants of Respect & current members of Haringey Solidarity Group to name but a few of the so-called radical left peoples involved with Unity Left. Yes the political frustrations match up but, Brand is an individual on his own mission, a bit like a younger Geldof.

It will be interesting to see if Brand's style of fuck-you politics really goes anywhere. One things for sure he doesn't take any prisoners but, he's also driven by his own vanity - but then so are quite a few politicians.

Great link thanks!

The link above takes me to an interview of Brand with Paxo in 2010, the lack of beard gives it away, whereas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YR4CseY9pk is the interview from 23rd October following Brands editing of a 'revolution themed edition of the New Statesman', where he talks about not voting, and the need for change/ revolution.



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