Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

A new cafe bar opened on the corner of Falkland Road on Wednesday. Apparently owned by an Albanian guy, but I've yet to meet him. Anyone visited yet?

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If more than one person complains, the council may take notice.

Complaints concerning licensing can be emailed to licensing@haringey.gov.uk or on the council website here.

Submissions relating to the current application for an alcohol license can also be made using the above contact details. The consultation will end on 08/08/13.

I'm always flabbergasted that buildings can be changed before the planning permission has been granted.... It's like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. what sort of system is this? 

seems like a free for all, do what you what and never mind the consequences. 

I absolutely agree with you Ruth.

The law isnt' the law in this case it seems. Madness! Feel sorry for folks on Falkland Road, but could happen anywhere now. 

"Sorry for the folks on Falkland Road".

And for all the folks who live above, next door, or across the street from a new "use" which damages the quality of life?  Which is why Planning rules are essential and so is funding for enforcement staff.  And for Courts which maintain those rules etc etc.

Or is it all bureaucratic "red tape" to be cut, loosened-up, abolished?

The Harm Principle

Hi, just checked planning and they did apply for A4 use, drinking establishment in 03/13 but withdrew it due to objections by residents. He then applied to change to A3 Cafe/Restaurant and had it granted then started trading as an A4 drinking establishment.

Just the same as Jam in the Jar, what's the difference between these two.

Seems anywhere can do this! Jam in the Jar being promoted here on HoL as a good place, this one on corner of Falkland Rd seems to already have reputation as a bad place... But if both have circumvented the licensing/changing use 'laws', then both as bad as each other? 

Maybe I'll open up my flat as a drinking den to make a bit of extra dosh. Sell cheap cans from the supermarket at inflated prices. I bet I'd get away with it! (don't worry, I'm not about to....) 

Nothing wrong with either place - they just serve different clientele. Chill out.

Paul, would you be putting in an 'objection' if either premises applied for an A4 licence (assuming they haven't already)?

I live right by the 'man-cafe' and feel totally unwelcome. I signed the petition against the bar and will be really disappointed if they end up getting an alcohol licence anyway. 

You don't need to go in, everyone sits outside, it's all men and some are quite happy to ogle women as they go by, as though they've got the best seats at some adult entertainment venue. Yes, I am exaggerating, but it's another place that feels utterly unwelcoming (to women at least), just by walking past it. There are a few places like that on Green Lanes. They feel like members only/working men's clubs. 

Paul Black began his other post by asking for help, saying:

"I don’t know if anybody out there can help me with this, but I think Jam in the Jar is operating illegally."

However, the more Mr Black has posted the more likely it becomes that he isn't asking for help at all. Because he tells us he knows the relevant Planning law well. So perhaps sees his task as convincing us of the position on Jam in a Jar. on which he has made up his mind.

I assume that as he knows Planning and Licensing law that he is also well aware that there is indeed "somebody out there" who could help him: Haringey Planning and Licensing teams. If he didn't know this, he does now, and has been given the links.

So has Mr Black raised his concerns with these Haringey Teams, whether before or since his online posting? I have asked him. But he has not told us.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor)

Agreed. They do look angry. I have BRF too. :/  :)



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