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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Session for Residents & Community Groups on Awareness & Use of Planning & Licensing

The following was received from Cllr Joseph Ejiofor. Aimed at the area a bit to the east of Harringay, but even if you don't live there you may be able to attend. :

I write to invite you to a training session specifically for Tottenham local residents and community groups to increase their awareness and  use of planning and licensing  process. This session  will take place on Thursday 11th April 2013 at West Green Learning Centre, Park View School, West Green Road N15 3QR  from 6.30pm until 8.00pm.

The West Green and Bruce Grove Area  plan  contained an action for  local community groups to be trained on how to navigate planning and licensing procedures. Committee members requested that this training should aim to  make local community groups more aware of which part of the process they need to be making objections at  and what type of information they need to collate and put forward at appeals to have an impact on the  final licensing and planning decisions being made by the council.

Below is a  brief outline of the areas to be covered:

Planning – What town planning is for; the system of plans in England, London and Haringey and how you can get involved?

Planning – Development Management – how it works and how to get involved as an applicant/local resident

Planning – Enforcement – how it works – how you should react if you get an enforcement enquiry about your site/building and how to use planning enforcement to improve your local area.

Licensing – What is licensing; the Council’s licensing policy; making a licensing application; guide to making representations; Licensing Committee Hearings.

Issues that will be covered 

  • Principles of town planning and Plans/DM/Enforcement
  • The basics
  • Legislative basis
  • Government, London, Haringey Guidance and Policy
  • How it works in Haringey? Planning Sub-Committee
  • Consultation on Planning Policy
  • Engagement - How to get involved (applicant/local, resident/local, group/business)
  • Some examples of how it works (e.g. case studies, real life examples)
  • Advice – FAQs Most common Questions and Answers
  • Signpost to available support and guidance

Planning and licensing officers will attend training session and provide a presentation  with slides and handouts . There will also be an opportunity for local community groups to meet with officers and ask questions.

I hope that you will  take advantage of this  opportunity to meet with the Licensing and planning officers of the council and to attend this informative session .

Please can you advise ayshe.simsek@haringey.gov.uk if you are able to attend as she will collate numbers and ensure there are  enough information packs available at the session.

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Planning & Regeneration by and for the Community

Please forward widely throughout Tottenham..

Residents' Conference
Saturday April 6th 2013
10am-4pm @ North London Community House, 22 Moorefield Road, N17 6PY
Entrance free (donations welcome). Tasty affordable lunch provided.

*  bringing local people together
*  calling for community-led regeneration
*  defending community facilities
*  supporting small local businesses
*  demanding affordable housing for all

For all those who live, work or are active in Tottenham who want to stand up for our local communities' needs
The Our Tottenham network - see a list of supporting groups, at the end - have organised this action conference to bring together the key local community groups and campaigns in Tottenham who are affected by the Council’s ‘Plan for Tottenham’ and other planning and regeneration issues.  The idea is to work together and fight for our common interests, our neighbourhoods, our community facilities and for the needs of our communities throughout Tottenham.

The conference will include presentations from a range of local community groups, and workshops for all to discuss how Tottenham people can defend and promote action around the following issues:

- Defending Community Facilities: eg community centres, parks, local pubs, corner shops, post offices, GP surgeries...
- Standing up for Housing: decent, affordable, secure, local homes for all
- Supporting Small Businesses: defending local, independent, family shops and enterprises
- Improving the Street Environment: safer, traffic-calmed 'living' streets with less clutter and more greenery [to be confirmed]
- Promoting quality design and respecting heritage: listed buildings, conservation areas, better quality new development
- Youth Voices: supporting local youth speaking out for the services, centres and facilities they need
- Developing Community Plans: communities' ideas and visions for local sites and their neighbourhoods
- Taking Legal Action: legal tactics to protect our community facilities and neighbourhoods from unwanted development
- Community Empowerment: real engagement and respect for communities and community groups so that they are driving the decision-making

We will also discuss a proposed Our Tottenham Charter, and an Our Tottenham march of solidarity on May 11th.

Organised by the Our Tottenham network    Supported by: Weir Hall Action Group / Bull Lane Playing Fields Campaign, Wards Corner Community Coalition, Lord Morrison Hall / Afro International, Friends of Lordship Rec, Love Lane Action Group, Clyde Area Residents Association, Tower Gardens Residents Group, Selby Centre, Living Under One Sun, Chestnuts Community Centre, Peoples World Carnival Band, Tottenham Concerned Residents Committee, Tottenham Civic Society, Haringey Defend Council Housing, Defend Haringey Health Services, Haringey Federation of Residents Associations, Haringey Housing Action Group, Find Your Voice, Haringey Solidarity Group, Day-Mer, Haringey Green Party, Haringey Alliance for Public Services

Information: http://ourtottenham.wordpress.com              
Flyers/posters: http://ourtottenham.wordpress.com/leaflets-posters/
Subscribe for updates: mailto:sympa@lists.riseup.net?subject=subscribe%20ourtottenham_news
Contact the Our Tottenham Organising Group: ourtottenham@gmail.com
Twitter: @our_tottenham  



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