Haringey Council has announced free parking for three days before Christmas.
On Saturday 22 December and on Christmas Eve, Monday 24 December, free parking will be available for shoppers in all car parks and in dedicated pay and display parking areas.
With Sunday parking already free this means that parking will cost nothing for the whole Christmas weekend in Harringay and other shopping areas in the borough.
Cllr Nilgun Canver, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said:
"We know times are tough for traders and people have a lot of bulky shopping to pick up for Christmas, so I hope this free parking will help attract shoppers to their local high street.
Parking restrictions will still apply to Resident Only Bays and Shared Use Bays on 22 and 24 December and enforcement will still take place on footways, double yellow lines and zig-zags.
Tags for Forum Posts: high street parking, high streets
When times are tough, the tough get parking.
Initially I speed-misread the heading as "Council Announces free Christmas pudding".
Only three days??? That's an insult. Couldn't the council extend the period to January 1st?
"Park!" the Kober Angel sings,
"Glory to our Trader Kings!
Parking's free, so spend it wild,
God and Mammon reconciled."
Joyful, all ye Traders rise,
Flog us all your stale mince pies
While our Canver host proclaims:
"Parking's FREE along Green Lanes!"
Pavement parking's just the thing -
Yasar's packed but Baldwin's King.
Turkey dressed with Lemon Kurd
(Watch your step - a canine turd!)
Midnight mobs in nave and aisle -
Sainsb'ry's cashmobs prey in style.
Ringed in flesh our Saturn see,
Hail our incarnate Obesity -
Pleased as Punch with us to shop,
Jesus, our December prop.
"Park!" those Kober Sirens sing,
"Park! You needn't pay a thing!"
Hail Lord Salisbury's wat'ring hole;
W/assail his phallic totem pole!
And if you're sick of all that crap,
Put Garden Ladder on your Map.
But lest towards Beaconsfield you're drawn
Hail REDEMPTION's Hoppy Dawn!
For Urban Dusk with decent grub
Hail Coliseum's Redemption Pub.
Then Hail a cab to ferry me
To down a pint at the O.A.E.!
Hail the heav'n-born Canver Queen!
Hail the Kober Leaderene!
Light and life to all they bring -
a touch of tinsel in their bling.
Shef the Shereef born to save,
Born that man no more need shave,
Born to lead the Sons of Trade,
Born to rule our Grand Parade.
"Park!" HOL's Herald Hugh doth sing,
Hark! our virtual Ladder King!
Sorry Alan - no such thing as a free lunch Christmas pud.
Oooh you made me titter, Eddie - but for the record Hugh thertainly dothn't thay park.
Splendid, Eddie. Some more old favourites please. Such as: "We're praying for a white Christmas, to test our Winter Service Plan"
Brilliant Eddie. Thank you for that
Now for " We three Kurds of Orient are "
Bohemian Riposte - Please Focus:
Hither Page:
'A Lib-Dem herald lass speaks out
to refute our "hocus-pocus:
What's all this hark'n' hail about?
You haven't read our FOCUS!!!"'
King Wenceslas:
'It seems I've led you in the dark
With my paean of praise to Kober:
This Winterval free-parking lark
Was Lib-Dem's since last October.
Muswell Traders dished the Whigs
(I'll bet you had no notion!)
Muswell Kober danced their jigs
To steal Richard Wilson's motion.'
Hither Page:
'And yonder peasant, what of him?'
King W.:
'Well, politics can be cruel.
Besides he neither drives nor parks:
What need has he for fuel?'
"And always keep a-hold of Nurse, for fear of finding something worse" — Hilaire Belloc
Our something worse at the moment seems to be Barnet. Which, with parking charges still seems to follow Cllr Brian Coleman's boast: "We never knowingly undercharge".
According to Mr Mustard one of the Famous Five barnet bloggers, Barnet's Christmas present to their residents and visitors was two hours free parking on Saturday 22 and Monday 24 December.
Was Mr Mustard suitably grateful? Well, not quite.
He observes that: "The best kept secret is the one you don't know about" . And points out some shortcomings in Barnet's 2 hour free parking. Such as: a lack of wide publicity - including lack of signs on pay & display bays. He found that few people knew about the concession. And, he says, people using the pay-by-phone number were not told the first 2 hours were free.
Perhaps you've guessed where I'm going with this? Yes. If you went to park today in a Haringey Pay-&-Display bay were there signs? Did the machines refuse to take your cash? Or was there a recorded message when you phoned to pay?
I'd be delighted to know that Haringey got it right. And tomorrow Mr Mustard and the other Barnet Bloggers can hurry down to the delights of Tottenham, Wood Green, Green Lanes, Crouch End and Muswell Hill. Provided of course they can find an empty bay.
I'm curious. Do you think there should be no parking schemes at all, Neil?
If not, how would you propose to ration limited parking spaces? And fund the expenses of any scheme? Should everyone involved be a volunteer? Would you prevent people not in your ward from parking in your local streets. How would this operate?
We have a friend living near Washington DC. On the walk to his local metro station we saw signs screwed to garden walls, showing a picture of a large gun; with the message across the gun barrel: "Parking? Don't even think about it."
I'm afraid I disagree with your assertion that parking tax is regressive, especially this "Its very unfair to people on low incomes". There are so many right-on, liberal middle class families I know of on the ladder that get by without a car and hence no need to pay parking charges that this cannot be true. It is possible to not own a car. The problem is that owning one has become more and more expensive and these right-on people got out of the car owning game for reasons other than financial ones.
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