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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Pop-up space to open on Green Lanes for December - Suggestions / requests welcome!

The KFH offices will be available for community use for the month of December

Ideas currently on the table include a pop-up market for a few days and a pop-up cafe. I mentioned it to a local who might be interested in hosting a pop-up cinema.

It's a blank slate. We could make it something very special. So, any ideas / offers / Requests?

For more information drop in to chat with Rob Chau at Tao Sports  email him at rob@taosport.co.uk.

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Hi I'm an architect and would be happy to offer informal advice. An opportunity for locals to ask about potential upgrades / extension of their property. Would be good to get buy in from shop owners in an attempt to upgrade shop fronts and the overall look of the lanes (the KFH shop front could be over hauled as an example of what could be achieved)!
Haringey Cycling Campaign could probably attend your table top info day!

I'm up for that.

Is anyone else?  Is this going ahead?

I'll pump it a bit in the update tonight Alison - but yes, Rob and three others at least will definitely be there.

OK, thanks: whereabouts will you be sitting so that I recognise you?

Event posting with RSVP now here

Seating might be a tough one - I might be late, but It shouldn't be too hard to find Rob Chau - ask Nick and Sam at the bar.

Was great to see the space last night very exciting!  Lots of good idea's were discussed for possible long term community uses of the space, but there is also a pressing need to make full use of the space whilst it is publicly owned for December.

Rob has kindly given the go ahead for us to use the space for a Christmas craft fair on the week before Christmas  From Monday 17th December until Saturday 22nd.  It is a great space with massive windows and high footfall.

I am looking for local craftspeople who would be interested in having a stall for the week,  I am particularly interested in people who would also be able to also offer some sort of evening event such as demonstration/workshop/lecture.

Initially i would expect there to be room for around twenty traders.  Rent of the space would be free but people would have to provide there own stall, the more imaginative ideas for this the better! Rob suggested some wagon style stalls, any ideas welcome.

Opening hours are to be confirmed, and i'm sure we could share looking after each others stalls so you would not personally need to be there full time.

I will post a more detailed description here in the next couple of days but am initially just trying to find interested parties.  If this is something that would interest you please reply here or email Nick @ narcissus.design@gmail.com.

This is a great opportunity, let make the most of it and make it a success! 

I agree with Nick - good, positive meeting last night with plenty of ideas - now to the hard work of making it happen.

Although I live in Crouch End and came to support everyone, the feeling was that it would be OK for me to contribute more directly by putting on a cultural event, which I'm honoured to do.

If you are interested in culture and have the time to spare to make this event happen, please let me know - watch this space for more details soon.

Please count Crouch End Festival in for the Community Group event. We want to promote and raise awareness of this event and also want to connect with other community groups and this sounds like an ideal opportunity. Be fab to also have classes on the social media and small business stuff, such as ' How to set up a wordpress website', ' Using social media for your business', ' Intro to building an online reputation', 'Getting PR' etc. - stuff to help small creative businesses get ahead. - may be too difficult to arrange at such short notice though.

It would be neat, in future, to have a skills 'Give to get', with members offering workshops in their expertise and sharing their knowledge with others. I am sure there are loads of businesses out there who could do 'one hour intro sessions' to their practice and use this to get new customers / collaborate etc.

What about networking sessions, with businesses and creative practitioners exploring different issues and sharing experiences together on things like 'how to get new customers', 'marketing on a shoe string' etc.

Happy to discuss more - loads of ideas!



Is this just for December? or could we access the space also on weekends or when in 'low use'?

Hi Marice - good to have you on board.  The space is available for a month - after that it needs money and an organisation behind it to become a permanent tenant. The owners can probably get £70k a year if they lease it to a betting chain.

Could you maybe post each of your fab ideas separately or do you want me to call you or something and channel the effort? 

Good to have you guys in the loop, Marcie. Re social media - see my post yesterday. Is this something you'd want to help with?

The space is currently just December - for the longer term, the community has an option on it, but it will need to  pay for itself - which makes me wonder, Rob, Chris, all, should we have an event where we invite people / expertise to consider possible future options?



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