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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I saw the advert in the Journal today  about the new website from Graingers on the Seven Sisters regeneration plans. Look here.

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@JJB and others

It's very clear from these (revised) plans that neither Grainger nor Haringey council have learned a single thing from the Ward's Corner fiasco. Whatever decision is made it will certainly lead to another bout of legal action. Meanwhile, the very fabric of Ward's Corner will continue to crumble away so in the end the building, according to many observers, would simply have to be knocked down, leading to a large and rundown space which would remain empty for many more years.

Despite appearances, the building is in fact in OK condition. TfL have been made to repair the roof, which is the crucial element to keep intact. In the huge first floor space above the market, the original cornices are intact. It just needs a cleanup and rewiring to be put to use.

The worst and only decrepid part, the two burnt buildings, where a woman lost her life, are owned by Grainger. Despite their ongoing and deliberate deterioration, they cannot be demolished without Grainger obtaining permission to demolish a noted building in a conservation area, and they don't have that permission. Our various plans for that space include restoring them, and opening that space to form a big new entrance to the regenerated market and shops.

Potential. Lots. Some people on Haringey council can see it, including those who voted out the Grainger plan last time it went to committee. Not everyone on LBH is enamoured of Graingers.

People need to be very wary of the Grainger site. It is not neutral and serves to promote Grainger's storyline only. Grainger plc is a huge company with vast financial resources at their command. Return on investment is their priority. The community groups of the Wards Corner Community have loads of spirit and know that they don't want a vision that is imposed on the community. Community well- being it its priority.  Which would you trust?

WCC have sought to work with the Council and you'd think that the council would listen to the residents and local businesses, but it has been very difficult to get it to listen despite some councilors being on the community's side.

A lot of what is on the Grainger site is propaganda.

£11million of new spend in local shops every year and support over 600 new jobs over the next 5 years>> At what cost? At any cost? Can this justify the destruction of the local independent businesses and shops. Where will the people who use the shops now go?

provide new shops for independent businesses>> i.e. replace the already-present, local, independent traders and shops, destroy their livelihoods and people's homes, instead of helping them to improve.

Provide a new, purpose built, long term home for Seven Sisters Market>> as if the present structure couldn't do this if beautifully restored. Will the conditions of the new units allow the small business to survive? Doubtful.

Create a safe and active public area and a new focal point for the community>> Grainger's own Comres questionnaire shows that this is not a big issue. Are they saying that if the clone building doesn't get built we don't deserve good public streets and won't get them? All over London public realm improvements are taking place without destruction of cherished buildings

Show the world that the regeneration of Tottenham has begun>> How contemptuous! Sacrifice the businesses, livelihoods and homes of members of Tottenham's community and destroy a building that helps define our sense of place and that marks the start of the Heritage Corridor that we are fighting to get recognised in order to achieve that goal! Grainger plc needs to stop trying to fool us with these fantasy stories! We can see through them.

There are brown field sites and ones like the Apex House site that would allow inward investment to our area without community destruction. Use those.

Look at the buildings on this Flikr site


See the clone design that Grainger is promoting for our High Street.

Check out the full story on WCC site here


I am not sure who is going to be in favour of memory boxes. So in future we can knock anything down as long as we stick a bit of it in a picture frame!!! It would be very funny if the consequences were not so awful. Surely no one is going to fall for this are they?
The council and Grainger neglect this site, then come along and say that it all needs demolishing because it looks neglected. They accuse those who want to see restoration of wanting to leave it all as it is even though we have reiterated again and again that Wards Corner is in dire need of restoration. You do not need demolition to improve the area. Quite the opposite. Restoration will open up the area to more and varied retail whilst keeping the what is is there already.
The Council run Development Management Forum for Grainger's new planning
application for the Wards Corner site ended abruptly on Wednesday night as
people walked out when it became clear that neither the Council nor Grainger
could answer the audience's questions.

Two hundred people from many parts of Tottenham's local community came to
express their views about this controversial proposal and have their questions
answered though it quickly became apparent that meeting chair Paul Smith,
Haringey's chief planning officer, and Grainger's representitives were not
going to address the legitimate and heartfelt concerns of residents and traders
facing eviction.

Grainger did not see fit to send their senior development staff or Development
Director David Walters. Grainger's planning agent Chris Frost, of ASP
Consultants, was not even prepared with his own facts and figures for the

Council officers refused to answer why they are continuing to back this scheme
when they are currently legally obliged to uphold their planning decision last
year to refuse Grainger. Moaz Nanjuwany, Chair of Tottenham Traders Association
said 'I cannot understand how the Council and Grainger can morally justify
getting into bed together and going against public opinion again and again'.


I went along to that meeting and felt it was awful. I have never seen something so badly organised. You could not see the presentation screen due to the glare and low height. Then the microphones were barely audible. When it was pointed out the presenter just said we will just have to manage. How can you comment if you can not see or hear? I guess that was the idea.

Then once it started Paul Smith from the council refused to answer most questions. It was like the audience was being baited from the off. I wanted to know the answer to the question raised by that Lib Dem chap at the front.  He asked something along the lines of why was this new planning application being rushed through when the normal process for others took much longer?

Surely the council can not just decide, oh we like this one lets rush it through, or no we hate this one lets make it wait. Is there not a fixed formal process for each planning application? I mean why this was rushed through and is that legal?


The community plan is here. Look at want it could be like if we refuse the Grainger plan.


Commented on it already. Seen a few pages, look into the rest tomorrow.



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