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Furniture store being advertised for Queen's Head despite planning conditions

I've just picked up a tweet from John McMullan with the following text and picture:


Ha ha! Queen's Head Harringay kept as a pub... and I laughed and laughed and laughed.



My understanding is that planning permission was granted with provisos that included:

the applicant retain the use of the ground floor of the building as a public house. A feasibility study would have to be conducted using a team approved by the council if the applicant wanted to, in the future, change the use of the ground floor

At the very least, it appears that the developers are acting in bad faith.

I've been on the phone to planning and was told that the decision has yet to be published with these provisos.

Perhaps our councillors might intercede on this if possible.

Tags supplement: More conversations on this topic in the Friends of the Queen's Head Group

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I'm happy to join any protest about this.  Sad news if it's true they've already stripped out the bar.  

im happy to join a demo if we can also arrange a demo outside the mosque to oppose its expansion.

Also happy to join in any demonstration at the pub - I was appalled to see what they had done to the interior when I walked past.

I'm in.

atleast you could watch the footie on 15 tv's simultaneously....

Dogtas announced today on Twitter the opening of it's Harringay store on January 21st.

I just saw this picture on Flickr by Ewan-M and it made me think:



There seemed to be a good number of Queen's Head fans on the site and we had an elected councillor involved in this conversation too. Has anyone demanded an explanation from the Council of how their planning condition was completely ignored? Dogtas is here now and we must welcome them, but surely, unless we try and hold the Council to account. they'll never do any better and planning law will be a nonsense.

I wonder with today's new planning laws announced there is any point as it will be easier to build things and change uses of buildings (I haven't seen the law, this is what I believe it's about). I guess the Council will wiggle out of it either way. 

A curious phrase, Ruth. Why do you assume that "the council will wiggle out of it"? 

And why resign yourself by assuming "there isn't any point" if the Government has made it easier for developers? What the government can give to developers, the Government can also take away.

As we all know, there's really only one "bottom-line" for political parties and the elected politicians in them: will they get elected (or re-elected)? And we also know that voters are far more volatile (and therefore less predictable) than they used to be.

If there's one thing to be learned from the campaign over the NHS it's that our national politicians are extremely sensitive when they get a storm of strongly expressed views by their potential electors. The Government is still nervous about the promise by some doctors to stand at the next General Election.

Nor should anyone underestimate the effectiveness of online campaigns and the use of internet sites. The political parties know this very well. Which is why they try to co-opt internet media with their own dull as ditchwater websites, fake online surveys, and blogs with grinning pols visiting things and shaking various hands.

Raise your own individual voice. Join in group voices for causes you believe in. It gets easier all the time. No more paper, photocopies, and stamps and stationery. Cameron/Miliband/Clegg/Lammy/Featherstone want our votes in about two years time? Let them pay close attention to our views. Including our views on planning and enforcement of the planning rules.

(Tottenham Hale ward councillor.)

Perhaps I am just tired of raising my voice and joining campaigns- I have done a lot of that Alan and have a good track record I think. But thanks for the encouragement. Wiggling out of it might be a curious phrase but one I often think fits for some of our elected leaders I'm afraid! (note some, not all) 

Just like all 9 councillors I wrote to completely ignored my question re the bridge banner ? Apart from Ms Canver who placed a gagging order on the other 8.

What was the point ?

Afraid I find that an extremely idealistic - perhaps rather mythologizing - view of local (let alone national) politics, Alan. I'm rather more cynical.

For a start, Lammy doesn't have to to care two hoots. It's a cast-iron safe seat. Cameron, well, he's got five years to completely dismantle the welfare state and he's done it in two. He knows full well he is unlikely to be reelected and I doubt he (or any of his colleagues) care a jot. Clegg sold his house in Sheffield shortly after the election, he won't be back as an MP - they'll be in the Lords, or the EU, or commissioners of the 'reformed' NHS; whatever happens they have no stake whatsoever in reelection. We're living through an unprecedented rapid transformation - it will be irreversible.

Also: it really shouldn't be down to people to have to spend their (decreasing) leisure time "raising their individual voice" or running campaigns. This just shows how useless representative democracy has become. That's precisely what our elected representatives are supposed to be for.



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