Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just clicked on the link in the nav bar that takes you to the Harringay, Haringey pool on Flickr. Some gorgeous photos...bet you've got even more out there.

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Thanks for pointing out this, Liz. I didn't realise Hugh had set up a pool and it seems very active! The tagging in flickr is often very good, but the pool/group makes it even easier to find those local pictures...
There are already 98 pix and 15 members. Not bad for our little corner of North London. There seem to be a lot of folks fond of this neighbourhood and snap happy! Be nice if more people added their efforts.
Thanks for pointing this out Liz. Love the pic of the 'blue house' and those taken within Muna's restaurant.
This Flickr group is growing almost as fast as HOL, (slight exaggeration) ! 19 members and 107 photos in about three days...hope they are all joining the website as well.
Images are just as important and interesting to people as words.

HOL should have a 'latest featured image' on the front page of the site which obviously rotates from one image to another and links to that Flickr group.

Btw, putting the word 'Harringay' into Google images I found an image of the ladder embedded in this newspaper article about the housing crisis. No wonder the Garden Ladder has found a ready market for childless young trendies (its policy is to exclude children).
One for the techies but a good idea!
Hi Liz
I can get to Flickr and search for Harringay which brings up photos, but what is the pool, and how do you get there?
There is a link on the left hand side of the main page (the 'navbar') but here is another one http://www.flickr.com/groups/wwwharringayonlinecom/.
Hello Richard,

Even without joining Flickr you can access most public photos. And explore the search facility: either to locate photos by a 'tag'; or to search for Groups/Pools which Flickr members have set up. As well as HaringeyOnline you might take a look at:
Haringey - http://www.flickr.com/groups/haringey/pool
Sunny Tottenham - http://www.flickr.com/groups/sunnytottenham

Actually, it's not easy to think of a topic where someone hasn't started a Pool. (Sometimes several.) London - of course. Kebabs? Sure. But, fridge magnets? Yes, more than a dozen in different languages! Spotting abandoned shopping trolleys? You've got it.

People can join for free (with a limit of 200 photos; and on photo size.) As well as 'public' photos we use it in the private 'Friends & Family' mode.
Thanks. I can search by keywords, but how do I search for 'pools' apart from the ones you have kindly given me links to?
My fault: using 'Pools' instead of 'Groups'. (As far as I can see, with Flickr it's the same thing.)
1. Open the Flickr home page at: http://www.flickr.com/
2. Click on the blue SEARCH box on the right.
3. This gives a second screen with another blue search box and links to:
| Photos | Groups | People|
4. Click on 'Groups' and search away!

A little trial and error will usually find what you're after - if it's there. And if it's not, you'll have fun exploring other people's enthusiasms. (Glancing at the rules for each group may help. For example Spurs supporters probably won't find much of interest in "Sunny Tottenham".)

You might also try searching for 'People'. I recently had an email from California - someone I lost touch with over twenty years ago, who saw my photos.

BTW there's a blue 'Search' button at the top-right of many Flickr photo pages. (But not if you're viewing photos in large sizes.)
Thanks, I had no idea pool and group might be the same thing, no idea that Liz's 'Harringay Haringey' was a group title, and certainly no idea that clicking on the blue button gave any more options. I might go and search for some people now.



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