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31 year old primary school worker pleads guilty to Croydon looting

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No cutting the benefit  Annette or throwing the keys to the social housing away ..

Steven, of course! But I bet you'd rather try and understand this individual to death, as he's clearly very unhappy to be able to do something like this.

Why should someone who enganges in criminal activity be entitles to benefits anyway? Ohhh (insert bleeding heart) "Because they're humans too and they deserve the handouts while they rob the rest of us" Don't even go there..

No idea if this piece of rubbish is on benefits though. As it's a teacher I assume not.

I've seen this individual on the telly – trying to hide his face from the cameras. I note that this Teaching Assistant is (a) employed and (b) in a relatively responsible job. Wonder if he'll keep it.

Anette, you know that a school worker can't be a teacher. Teachers are lazy bastards who never work if they can get away with it.

Keep flying the flag.


"Because they're humans too and they deserve the handouts while they rob the rest of us"

btw, as I hinted politely elsewhere, when are the Vikings going to start paying reparations for the handouts my ancestors handed over for the privilege of being robbed by their uninvited visitors?

So Annette, I wonder whether you do this on purpose or whether because you are 'foreign' you just don't have the correct feel for English words.. No person, criminal or no, is rubbish..!! And I won't you let you get away with that!


I'd ask you take that sentence back or otherwise ask Admin to delete it. 


Regardless of what these people have done collectively, you have no idea what this person individually has been called to book for. When the State or it's people starts thinking of people or treating them like rubbish, then seriously bad things begin to happen.


The first articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,signed up to by the U.K. and Norway go like this

Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.


Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status


of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.


It is also the first article of the German constitition and many other countries, although I notice Norway or the U.K. are not among them :


How much " reason and  conscience " have the rioters and looters shown ?

Blah,, blah ..two wrongs don't make a right and you well know it..


Are you making this person responsible for the whole thing? Or what he did personally?


So much for the christian forgiveness..

"I'd ask you take that sentence back or otherwise ask Admin to delete it. "

I will do no such thing. It's my opinion, and I am entitled to it. This person who was in a position of authority with kids looted. And is 31 years old! That makes you a pretty rubbish individual in my book. And none of your bullying tactics is going to make me change my view. This person has pleaded guilty, and will hopefully never be able to work with young people again. He made his bed, now he can lay in it. And hopefully think of the lives his actions contributed to ruin. No defence.

because you are 'foreign' you just don't have the correct feel for English words..

On reflection Stephen, do you think there is any possibility that this was rude, cheap, unfair and ungentlemanly?


No person, criminal or no, is rubbish

This is pedantic. "Rubbish" is normally something one puts in the bin. I do not suggest this individual needs to be placed in a bin, but he deserves no sympathy from anyone. In my opinion it is not merely permissible but appropriate to describe looters in this way. Perhaps living in a forieign land, you don't appreciate the general public anger here in this country.

It may shock you, but even stronger words than "piece of rubbish" have been used to describe those who loot and burn.

How would you characterise those who would torch a big shop with flats above and with people in them? Spare a thought for the victims of the attack on  Carpetright.


Thank you Clive, I appreciate the support. I can assure Stephen that I am not just "foreign", I am proper foreign with a Norwegian passport and everything. If that makes me a lesser individual in your eyes, then you're the one with a rather huge chip on your shoulder, and you should have a long hard think about what you're saying. Do you even know the colour of my skin? Don't assume I'm blonde and blue-eyed. Not that that would make me fair game in the race stakes, but you should be careful. You just don't know.

English is not my first language, but I I think I generally manage to make myself understood. If anything is unclear, please ask.
Both of you are of course talking  'rubbish'...



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