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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Mother & baby nearly knocked down avoiding uncleared flytip (courtesy Veolia)

This morning I saw a mother wheeling her baby in a pushchair having to avoid a flytip so bad that it's blocking the whole pavement. On the street next to it is a skip. So a pedestrian's only choice to get past is to go into the street.

I rang Veolia yesterday morning to report the rubbish. They said that it had already been reported on Thursday and would be cleared yesterday morning. At about 4.30pm I happened to go past it again and saw it was still there. I called Veolia again. A very helpful member of staff took some time to speak with his manager then came back and assured me it would be cleared yesterday evening. Both times I made it clear that the pavement is blocked and pedestrians are having to skirt into the street to pass the tip. This morning the rubbish was still there.

Apparent concern has not translated into action.

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I reported this to LoveCleanStreets this afternoon about 4:30pm.

This one you've been chasing
Massive Fly Tip 2

follows up one from 6 days ago
Massive Fly Tip 1

Some local 'developer' not wanting to pay his waste disposal fees?

I note that enforcement have paid a visit to the top one. Possibly why the delay in clear up? They may have wanted to take photos and get 'clues' as to the culprits. If so though, why not say so?

Spots for two cameras then?
I'd say one of those spots should have some nice community planters instead.
Well if my neighbour catches who keeps pulling the heads of all the dahlias in his front garden and in the planters, there will be blood *gulp*
I see this has now been cleared. Thanks Veolia.
Nice one Hugh, but I'm a bit concerned that you need to tweet to get through to them.
Yup, me too. On the upside they showed very willing to correct a mistake. Let's hope it was a one-off - the mistake that is!

Dear Hugh,


As you will have noticed, this flytip was cleared by 7am yesterday morning. We are investigating to see what went wrong on our side in that instance and we will hopefully learn from this mistake.





Regional Manager - Veolia ES

Much appreciated Fabrice. I'm impressed that you made a personal intervention over the weekend and saw to it that the issue was dealt with.

Did you see the link to the citizen CCTV conversation above? Would Veolia be interested in investigating the cost effectiveness of this as a possible option? (or are you already?)

Hi Hugh,

Finally got to respond to your post - sorry for the delay

Regarding the flytip you're referring to, this was originally reported to our Contact Centre at 12.03pm and then 2.59pm on Thu 7th July. This was partly collected on Friday afternoon and completed on Saturday at 3.30pm – this is not ideal, and we have noted some operational learnings which we will put them into practice in the future.

It does appear that the rubbish was cleared before this was escalated to me via Twitter/HOL. I am of course more than happy to be available where required, and again I am sorry for the delay in responding on this.

We are currently working with the council to develop our flytip strategy. CCTV is something we have discussed although we need to further investigate this to see if it is the best solution. We will of course keep you informed of our future plans!

Hope this helps

Best regards,


Regional Manager - Veolia ES




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