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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Message from the North London Waste Partnership:

Councils in Barnet, Camden, Enfield, Hackney, Haringey, Islington and Waltham Forest are currently developing a plan to deal with North London’s waste up to 2020 - the North London Waste Plan. When adopted, the Plan will form part of each council’s Local Development Framework.

The North London Waste Plan will identify sites for the wide range of waste facilities needed to manage the waste produced in North London. The Plan is in the early stages of preparation and we would like your views on key issues and policy options.

You will have a chance to find out more about the Plan and give your views at this early stage through a series of workshops which will be held in January and February 2008 in each of the seven boroughs. Details of these workshops are included on the attached poster. To help us make all necessary arrangements, please register in advance by emailing nwlp events or calling Archie Onslow on 020 7974 5916.

A leaflet containing a brief summary of the issues and options is also attached. The full issues and options report can be viewed at the North London Waste Plan website - North London Waste Plan Website, at Camden’s Culture and Environment Reception or one of our libraries. At these locations you can also see related reports on waste data, previous consultation, flooding risks, habitats, equalities and sustainability.

You can let us have your comments in a number of ways:

- send general comments by email to nwlp feedback or in writing to Archie Onslow at Camden Town Hall, Argyle Street, London WC1H 8EQ
send your responses to the questions in the Issues and Options Report by completing the questionnaire at the back of the report or complete the questionnaire online at www.nlwp.net

- if you are a member of a community group that has a particular interest in the issues, we would be happy to attend one of your meetings to discuss the issues with you. Just email us at nwlp events

All questionnaires and comments must be returned by 4 March 2008.

For further details on the North London Waste Plan, please contact the Project Manager, Archie Onslow on 020 7974 5916.

Tags for Forum Posts: council, recycling, rubbish, waste

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Thanks for this Hugh. I'll delve into this smelly topic a little further. :)



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