Some of them are elaborate hoaxes that could well cause a number of separate, independent people to see and report the same phenomenon. Not suggesting that's necessarily the case here. Cherchez les pints.
Similar sightings have been reported all over the world during the last year or so - USA, Ireland, UK, just to mention English-speaking countries. Just google . Nobody seems to have any idea what causes the red light, though there are plenty of unworkable hypotheses out there, e.g. helicopters. (Wrong: there was no noise.)
My wife and I saw it twice, on two different evenings in July (but didn't make any notes).
In my earlier message I meant to write: "Just google 'red light in sky'." I don't know why the googled words got suppressed. What we saw certainly wasn't a chinese lantern, but it's interesting to hear about that trick!
Permalink Reply by Pip on August 18, 2010 at 11:39
Ah, that poster takes me back - I was such an X-Files fan as a kid, I even made a clock to look like the poster! No strange sightings but will now probably interpret every street lamp seen through trees as a UFO :)