I've been holding off posting these very important consultation documents for a few days, wondering how to best present them. I'm afraid there's been no blinding flash of light so I'm just going to offer them to you.
Between them, the results of these consultations will have a significant impact on the borough over the next fifteen years. I think the only way we could do them justice would be as a group. If anyone has the time and inclination to lead us through this very complex set of documents, I'll offer any support I can.
The consultation is for the
Haringey Core Strategy. This is:
the new plan for the future development of the borough up to 2026. The plan sets out how the Council will deliver affordable housing, better community facilities, more schools and training opportunities, improved public transport and more attractive and safer streets and parks.
The Core Strategy forms part of the Local Development Framework which is the folder of documents to guide planning and development in the borough for the next 15 years.
The current stage of consultation runs from 10 May to 21 June and offers the final opportunity to comment on the final draft of the document before it is submitted to the Planning Inspector for Independent Examination in late 2010.
There are three parts to the consultation
- the main core strategy
- the Development Management Policies DPD sets out the detailed policies which will be used to assess and determine planning applications.
- the Site Allocations DPD identifies appropriate development sites and will set out the Council’s preferred use for land and buildings on specific sites which are likely to be subject to development proposals.
You can see
the full core strategy document online. Links on this page offer guidance on how to respond and will take you to info and guidance on the other two documents.
There is ALSO a consultation for the borough’s transport strategy which will set out Haringey’s transport requirements over the next 20 years.
Find out
more on this one and respond online by 28th June.