Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Exactly what the heading says – two young cats were abandoned in a pet carrier right by the North London Hospice shop this afternoon. Poor little things were traumatised but thanks to my daughter and other passersby, they've now been taken to vets for treatment with a view to rehoming.

If anyone saw them being left, or recognises the cats, please let me know as we have reported the incident to the RSPCA for animal cruelty. The carrier was left on top of the litter bin opposite the shop. The labelling on the carrier suggested the cats might have been transported to the UK from Dubai at some point, but then again it could've been a borrowed one.

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Oh no that's terrible. Glad to hear your daughter helped them. Hope they find them good homes and the people who dumped them are caught

So awful but well done you guys taking them to the vets. Hopefully they will find a loving home



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