Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As published in the last planning application list, there has recently been a planning application for another social club on Green Lanes (with alterations to rear to create a smoking area).

The attached is the highlights of a letter of objection forwarded by the Gardens Residents' Association.

The GRA's Andy Newman invites you use this info as you required if you would like to object. You can either write a letter or object on line.

You can paste your objection direct into the "Comment on Application" box on the web site

The GRA shall will send their own letter but they say the more letters the better!

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I don't carry any torch for social clubs, but I thought I'd play devil's advocate with some of the points raised:

- Is "yet another" accurate? I'm pretty sure that several such have closed recently - for example isn't that Zorba the Mastiff place shut now? Possibly the same number of social clubs but in a different place?

- The concern in terms of losing A1 businesses is understandable, but there seem to be plenty of empty/closed shops on Grand Parade courtesy of the recession, and it hardly seems that A1-type retailers are rushing to open up... Perhaps organisations such as the GRA could even lobby the sort of businesses they would like on Grand Parade to open a branch here? I wonder if a retailer, faced for example with a large petition from residents asking them to open in the area, might not be tempted...

- Is the balance of shops really that bad on Grand Parade? I have tried to think of what I would like to see which we don't already have and have concluded that the majority of my needs are met. We have several bakers, a butcher, dry cleaners, many greengrocers, a fishmongers, two ironmongers, a couple of kitchen equipment shops, a lighting shop, a post office, a couple of chemists, several jewellers, two banks, a couple of pound stores, three decent pubs, several estate agents and bookies and many restaurants.

- As it is, I wonder whether it might not be better for the area to have units being used for something (other, perhaps, than a betting shop), rather than standing empty?
I think one of the concerns about social clubs is the links to organised crime. I don't perticularly mind them and on some somewhat messy nights/mornings have frequented them. Every time i had a warm welcome and great laugh. However, until the busines rates go down on these premesis I cant see many other 'legit'business opening up. I for one would love to see some more variety of shops on green lanes, boutiques, homewear, brickabrack, retro stuff and indian restraunt. but i doubt this will happen for a long time, poncy or not.
I'd far rather another social club of whatever sort than an 'A1' business, whatever that is (Boots? Paddy Power? Weatherspoons?). Incidentally I had a close detailed look at the objectionletter, however from my admittedly limited perspective a blank piece of paper is not going to sway anyone's opinion on this matter.
Err, it's not a blank piece of paper r. And even though you're "a person with limited perspective", I still think you should be able to read the document so I've added a pdf version for you as well.
Thanks, interesting to take a look inside the planning process, I withdraw my previous rather glib comments.



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