Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

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The recent Tough Mudder event suggests a new extreme sport - mudboating down the Finsbury Park slopes.

But, straight face, there have been suggestions in other threads on here that drone footage would add to the documentation on this and other media. Would that be feasible, or are there, understandably, too many CAA restrictions to ever consider it? I (and many others, I'd guess) have appreciated your drone images of the borough.

I was very surprised at the "intensive ploughing" of parts of the park , this afternoon. I quite undersatnd how folks are up in arms about this , surprised it was allowed in the first place, especially as it has been so wet . If you think drone footage might be helpful, I am happy to oblige, I can apply to have flight restrictions over the park lifted, temporarily. Maybe e mail me to discuss further nothingmemorable@outlook.com.


I see you sent me an e mail but, somehow , it has vanished before  I had time to read it, would you resend it please ?


Done. Was a reflection on the difference between the amount of documentation on Sunday against the deluge of what has come out since then.


Has anyone had the pleasure? I have wanted to do this with my boy but not sure if it’s worth it.

You might have to wait a bit, the boats are now managed by the cafe, the confirmation  from Haringey came through a bit late and they haven't got insurance yet.



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