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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I'm not sure whether this has been shared elsewhere on HOL - can't see it in a search but...

We have recently received a note through our front door that the St Ann's Low Traffic Neighbourhood will be implemented on 22 August.

This is a heads-up for anyone living in or driving through the area between West Green Road and St Ann's Road.  There will no longer be a direct route between the two major roads unless you are a bus or have a 'X2' exemption pass. 

Woodlands Park Road, Black Boy Lane, Cornwall Road and Avenue Road will all be closed to through traffic. 

The restriction points will be monitored by CCTV, so no doubt LBH will be issuing lots of PCNs!  Drivers beware!

I attach two documents, one a map of the area showing the traffic cells as they will be after implementation, and the other the supporting document.

Tags for Forum Posts: low traffic neighbourhoods, st anns ltn, traffic

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Are you saying he has received fines?

Someone on my street WA group had been in contact with Mike H about the lack of warning signs. Mike said they are going to put more in and also there would be a grace period for fines, he didn't specify how long that grace period would be. A few days ago some of the St Ann's cameras were vandalised and pointed at the sky.

I was waiting at a bus stop opposite Chestnuts school yesterday and there were streams of cars driving through the BBL filter, only a couple knew what the motor bike flying over a car sign meant and turned around.

Do none of these people have driving licenses? 

I don't know whether the cameras have gone live yet. I hope if any fines are issued, they go out first class on the day so drivers get fast notice of their errors.

My personal little bit of monitoring, of Suffield Road off 7Sisters Road before the 7Sisters junction, shows dozens of cars blithely going down the route they may have been using for years as it's the only way into Broad Lane via W G Rd.  There is a tiny No Left Turn sign that is almost hidden by a big direction board.

If they do that for a week, that's £200 in fines before they may know there's a problem. Entrapment.

Spot this as you come up to the busy and complicated junction. There's no other sign to show this new prohibition. Nothing facing flat onto the main road though plenty of 20mph signs there. No other warning further back up the road. Boom, £40.

(Will do a daylight pic in a mo.)

This is also a function of the poor planning when the old gyratory was removed. TfL were only concerned with the Red Route parts, they had no brief to consider West Green Road and see if they could ease the traffic on that. It's at its best when two 41 buses come head to head. The unfortunate inhabitants of Suffield Road have all those* who live across the High Road using this little road for access.

*disclaimer - inc. me, tho I have almost stopped driving.

What's £40?

Where is the camera you are talking about?

It's £65 per transgression (£130 if not paid quickly).  x5= £325.

Who came up with this sum? Don't they know there's a cash crisis going on. 

Your post made it look like your neighbour has received fines. If that's the case I'd like to see evidence of that.

He would not know it yet. I just spoke to him for two minutes at the roadside. But if he drove home by his usual route all week, that's 5x £65 IF the cameras are working. Fines will be sent out by post, some of it automatic but someone needs to stuff and send the envelopes. There's a postal strike. Bank holiday today. I can't see one in any obvious place for a camera at this site but that doesn't mean there isn't one.  My gripe here is that a person who lives on a very affected road has not been told what he has to do to avoid being fined.  I could go and knock on doors but really that's taking my citizenly responsibilities a bit far.  Maybe our councillors could do it?

Everyone was written to. I don't even live in St Ann's and I got it 

This is Seven Sisters, or maybe South Tottenham, deffo doesn't think of itself as StAnns.

Can't remember if I ever got a letter.  Not in past several weeks at least. Guy in Suffield was not a native English speaker.



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