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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

The Graffiti on the wall on the New River path, behind Wightman Rd is getting worse.

I understand that either Thames Water or the railway Co are responsible for maintaining the wall.

Anyone know who's responsible for the wall's upkeep?

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The quality is really quite poor, agreed. They could do with some tutelage from the team doing the Parkland Walk arches.

Who decides what goes and what stays these days? I bet people would be protecting it if it suited their tastes rather than demanding its removal. 

Serious question btw. There are increasing nos. of murals around which people seem to approve of. But we're less approving of other graffiti which some might term "art".

Some might, but I don't. I live just opposite and they are just tags. Messy scribbles, not art. Art elevates the spirit: this raises the gorge.

This isn’t street art, Paul. It’s juvenile tagging.

In this case, Network Rail make the decisions about graffiti on their land. Sounds reasonable doesn’t it?

Well, you're labelling it juvenile tagging but maybe those that produced it might describe it as their art. It's subjective either way. Property owners can obviously decide what they preserve and what they cover up. 

Does anyone know if any of our local murals were commissioned by wall/property owners or just appeared? 

Some great stuff around

There is some great street art around, of which I've been a vocal fan

But the New River Path scrawl is not street art. There's a point beyond which no level of subjectivity can turn something into art.

Well, I think we'll have to disagree on that one, nobody gets to say what's art and what's not. Unless there's an 'agreed' definition these days. It's a minefield. 

I wonder what the next round of graffiti will look like once this wall is painted over and a new blank canvas is created; maybe the creators of this lot will come back with something more to your tastes next time :-)

It’s about the intention of the person who created it.  The intention of this person is the human equivalent of a dog peeing on a lamppost.

Haha, I wondered where Kilroy had gotten to....

Mmm, we will have to agree to disagree. You seem to be of the mind that any mark can be art: there we differ.

Here's an interesting short post from the street art blog:

  • The ability to produce complicated pieces is what separates the tagger from the graffiti artist; graffitist for short. Taggers scribble and graffitists do art. The completion of a piece or a production involves a great deal of imagination, planning, and effort.
  • There is a huge difference between kids tagging in the street and graffiti artists.

Will the wall be tagged again? Yes, it will, and the lawn will grow again, the paint on your windows will flake and the road will need resurfacing.

Rather poetic

Thanks, yes I was looking at a range of definitions on art vs tagging vs graffiti vs vandalism. Minefield, and lots of interesting perspectives out there.

You're right, the wall will be tagged again, maybe the tagging will evolve into something more artistic. 

Question for you - if Banksy tagged that wall, but it wasn't necessarily artistic - to you - would that alter your view on the value or artistic merits of it?



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