Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As an outcome of the previous discussion on women's safety, I have set up this post as a place to report any incidents you experience; this means that we will have a concrete record of where incidents occur, who it is and what kinds of harassment are happening.

Please use this thread only for posting reports so that we have a manageable record that can be presented to the local police, which many of us agreed would be helpful (for them and for us).

Also, if you can remember any recent incidents that you think are relevant, please post these too, even though they have already occurred.

When posting, it will be useful to record, where possible:
  • Where the incident occurred (which street, outside a particular shop or bar?)
  • What the culprit looked like (age, race, clothes, accent, distinguishing features? Were they alone or was it a group?)
  • What exactly they did or said (words used etc.)
I hope this thread goes some way to feeling that we are taking the first steps towards making our experiences more widely known; if the police can see exactly what is happening, they can begin to look at this problem more closely. As someone pointed out in the women's safety post, there is also no reason to hesitate in reporting an unpleasant experience to the SNT or your local PCSO, who will also make a record of your complaint.

Tags for Forum Posts: personal safety, sexual harassment, women

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First, sorry you had to go through that.

Second, if it happens again then call the police asap and if possible follow these people at a safe distance (I don't blame you for not doing it at the time though, there are many factors to put us off doing that..)

If we tolerate crime in a small way we tolerate it in a big way. What happened to you was a crime. If a person does this and is prosecuted it may make them think twice before doing it again.

Police phone numbers:
Emergency: 999
Non Emergency: 0300 123 1212
Safer Neighbourhood Team: 0208 721 2677

It's a good idea to put the bottom two in your phones.
In fact this incident was less than 100m away from the SNT Harringay office. They may have come running, after all threatening someone's life is a crime.
Yes, Birdy Too. Also your bank's phone number. Had I done this I might have been able to put a temporary freeze on my account, in time, after having been subject to a highly professional "distraction" theft at a cashpoint in Green Lanes a couple of years ago.

I ran back home to call the bank but, too late, a significant sum had been withdrawn from my account – in Salisbury. Yes, Salisbury about 100 miles away, within 10 minutes. The bank refunded the money. The two fraudsters seemed to be East European (plus at least one other outside Tesco's, Salsibury). One of the two in Green Lanes was about an inch taller than me and he must have peered over my shoulder to get the PIN. I'm six two.

I'm new to the site, the incident I wish to write about has already been reported but I feel that as a young (ish) mummy who lives in the area not enough is done to inform us of the dangers that lurk in this case at the very top of my road!

The incident happened after my friend and I had been on a night out at the beginning of January, on our way home we went to a local restuartant to get take-away and my friend went across the road to the cash machine. She then disappeared. She was approached by a man that dragged her away and seriously assulated her finding herself 45 mins later being taken into a cab office and put in a cab home. We are unsure whether it was the same man that took her to the cab.
The police were informed and the case is continuing with an article in the local paper this week appealing for witnesses. In the article it also mentions two other similar incidents that happened in the six weeks before. Both of which I was not aware about and had I been I certainly would not have let my friend go to the cash machine alone.

I personally feel that we should be more informed about what crime happens in the area. How many of us have used the Barclays cash machine in the dark since the beginning of January and not know that a girl was grabbed and assulted there? I also overheard the police saying that in the three weeks since the incident they have had 10 more reports of similar incidents!

I struggle to believe that this is happening right on my door step and I am not sure this is the place I want my children to grow up. On the otherhand I think that every incident no matter how small needs and should be reported so that those that can make a difference understand what is truely happening.

I do not want anybody to have to go through what my friend continues to go through so if nothing else I hope anyone who reads this will take extra care when out. Get money out before you go out, get a taxi or bus instead of walking (even from the tube station) and never spilt up if out friends.

thanks james. thats useful for putting things in perspective.

i guess we can all thank our lucky stars that we dont live in noel park or finsbury park!
has this map changed since yesterday?! the stats don't look that promising to me!
Top left of this page shows how Harringay & St Ann's wards rank for crime within the borough. Click on the words Crime Count and the table will arrange itself in rank order - lowest first. Click again to get highest (worst) first.

This is a page which give a crime overview for Harringay.

It's also interesting to look at the sub-wards. Click on the numbers under the heading Sub-Wards, top left, and you'll see the area mapped top right. Stats are then provide for that area alone. It seems like the area round Turnpike Lane + Finsbury Park rate the worst.

You'll note that it also shows annual figures with a downward trend over the past three years. Other areas, like Hornsey have an upwards trend.

Here is the same page for St Ann's ward.

On the
@ JohnD - oh yeah! i should look more closely next time. the figures dont make sense at all!
Mmm - same for all areas. I can only suggest that you write to the Met.
'Notifiable offence' is a term of art - it means a crime of a certain level of seriousness. A national standard was introduced in 2003, and the Home Office creates a list of such offences annually, and only those are counted for these purposes - http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/countrules.html

Use the maps etc. with some caution. Police produced crime statistics are notoriously unreliable - and for the most part this is inevitable. People don't report crimes (as we've seen in this thread), so they don't get noted. Further, the value of comparisons with 'average' results is of limited value as the level of reporting varies wildly from area to area - e.g. if your area consists of people who, by and large, have had positive experiences with Police in the past, they are more likely to report crime; whereas if you live in an area where people have had generally bad experiences with the Police (or have other reasons not to wish to have any contact with officialdom) crime is likely to be underreported, with obvious implications for the robustness of the comparisons....

(sorry I'm starting to get boring now, so I'll leave it there)



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