Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As you take your permitted exercise walk around Railway Fields this week, keep your eyes open for these four things.

First of all, as soon as you go through the gates, you should spot the hazel catkins. Look more closely and you'll spot the tiny, red female flowers. 

Continue up the main path and keep your eyes open for logs and dead wood. You should spot jelly ear and, if you get a little closer, spooky dead man's fingers.

Right at the back of the site by the swings, the winter heliotrope is now in flower. A welcome sight when so little is blooming both for us and early risers like emerging bee queens, they also have a pleasant smell. 

Finally, see if you can spot the ripening black berries of ivy before the wood pigeons and blackbirds do!

Railway Fields is open 9-4 from Monday to Friday. Due to Covid, toilets are not available to the public and there is a one-way system in operation.

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Tags for Forum Posts: nature notes, railway fields, what to see in january

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Thanks Liz, will pop up and have an explore :-)

Thank you Liz!

I went to Railway Fields today Friday, a lovely sunny day, after reading your Nature Notes and saw the bright red flowers of the hazel for the first time ever, thanks to you mentioning them; fancy not knowing they even existed.  Against the blue sky they were a real treat.

And I had a sniff at the winter heliotrope flowers, they do have a pleasant scent.  It's such a dull plant the rest of the year, I'll have to remember its contribution to the month of January.

A day of discoveries.



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