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"Hayley Introduces Free Residents' Parking for some.....not for all"

In his recent decision on Harringay's parking Councillor Hayley made it clear that he wanted to bring our parking in line with other areas. The following has just been posted on the Hornsey Vale Yahoo Group:

Haringey have recently introduced a new CPZ centred on White Hart Lane, the home of Tottenham Hotspurs as there is a pressure on parking on match days. The CPZ will operate each evening eliminating parking on evening match days (of which there may be - ooh 5 a year or so and also at weekends to counter Saturday match day parking - bear in mind each premiership team plays 19 home games and a limited number of cup matches so the pressure could hardly be said to be overwhelming. Here however, is the clincher - how much will local residents have to pay to gain the benefit of this freedom from match day parking problems?
The same as every other Haringey resident? Wrong - parking in this in heartland of Labour Tottenham will cost - absolutely nothing at all! That’s right - nothing for residents permits and nothing for business permits. Now a number of issues arise from this - can we all have one? Most (Hornsey Vale) residents would vote wholeheartedly for a CPZ if it were free - but in consultations on CPZs in other parts of the borough we are told that free CPZs are not an option - shouldn’t all existing CPZs now become free? What justification can there be for imposing charges in other parts of the borough but not in this part of Tottenham?

Will he be so keen to bring us in line with this precedent. Ask him. His email address can be found via the navigation panel on the 1st page.

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Haringey Council/Labour have confirmed that they wish to see a CPZ in every road in Haringey - regardless of whether there's a parking problem or not. Re the North Tottenham CPZ, a couple of points:

1. The response to the 'consultation' was extremely low (not, sadly, got the figures handy).
2. The result was open to abuse - I personally found ten consultation forms flying around in the wind on my estate.
2. The Council did not take into account private parking spaces - such as those on my estate - forcing non-council residents to impose their own restriction (are we not all taxpayers?)
3. Local residents are petrified that the CPZ will be extended to non-matchdays and view it as a stealth tax.
4. Permits are restricted for friends, relatives, repairmen and health professionals.

Haringey needs to people fairly - be they in Tottenham or Hornsey. Apart from this 'perk' (if you can call it that!), people in the East of the Borough suffer as much, if not more, than our friends in the West. Everyone's a loser under this stale administration !



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