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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hello! So I have lots of visitors permits due to this years pandemic and no one coming to visit us.. I have only noticed that there is no 2021 year to scratch off- will Haringey council give people some leeway as surely no one has been able to use many visitors permits In 2020?

I was thinking I could just clearly write the year 2021 on the tickets?

Is there someone from the council that could advise? I have been trying to contact Haringey council about this but have not heard back.

Tags for Forum Posts: parking, parking permits, visitor parking permits, visitor parking permits expiry

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Here's Seema's response

Thank you so much Hugh! And seema for responding! 

This reminds me of an anecdote told by the late Ian Willmore from his time as a Haringey councillor.
He was amused to hear an excuse for some littered streets: "An unexpected leaf fall in September".
To which Ian replied: "Life's full of surprises for you, isn't it?"

Now we have 31st December coming soon. And then delicious surprise: a New Year. Who'd have guessed?
But with lots of visitors' parking permits unused due to a ban on visitors during the pandemic? Really, such an imponderable mystery!

But it's really not a way to run a huge public service is it?  Especially when solving the problem depends on someone contacting cabinet member Cllr Seema Chanadwani who acts as a 'soft door' to intervene, and now these expired permits can be exchanged. But has anybody told the frontline staff? 

Nor it seems, have they told the staff who update Haringey Council website.
(Maybe due to the wrong sort of leaves on the phone lines?)

Has anyone received the new permits back from the Council?

I can't believe that we have to queue for the post office in order to post the permits back to the council recorded delivery.

It would be so much easier if we could just exchange them somewhere, or at least if there was a letter box we could drop them through (I'm prepared to cycle anywhere in Haringey!) rather than having to go through the whole Post Office experience during lockdown 3?


I haven’t done this yet- but with postcode n22 9df google map takes me to a building near Alexander palace station, so you could try cycling there? If I’m on a walk and pass it I’ll let you know. I was thinking the same about post offices- I tend to wait for quieter times. 

As far as I can tell from Google Maps the building is the Wood Green Delivery Office - so that is presumably where the PO Box is attached to, but not the final destination of the letters....

Parking dept is based in Alexandra House in Station Road, Wood Green I believe.

This appears to be utterly ridiculous !
5 January and residents haven't got Visitor permits and no guarantee they won't get a ticket if they use one from last year which they were prevented from using because of Covid-19.

This is a stupid bureaucratic problem which can and should be solved with a couple of phone calls made by senior staff who have been notified of the problem. (Though it's a mystery inside an enigma wrapped up in a rubbish bag why they didn't realise it well before 31 December 2020.)

Anyone been ticketed?

And the permits aren't just for one year - they have scrape-off years for 2016-2020, just not for 2021 or any later.

Wonder what happens if you scrape off the day & month, then write '2021' on it?

I have a delivery & fitting of a new oven on Thursday - so they will be wanting a permit...

Hi Michael

Please email me as well with your details. I will chase this for you too.



Zena Brabazon
Cllr, Harringay ward

I applied for 2021 permits early December. Bank account was debited on the 9th but of course there's no sign of them almost a month later.

Messaged @ContactHaringey on twitter who to their credit responded a couple of hours later, telling me they were sent 1st class on the 15th. There's no trace of them using the tracking number I was given.

I did ask if there was any way to use the recently expired ones without penalty. That went completely ignored.

Hi Ian

I will follow this up for you. Can you email me with your details and I will chase parking tomorrow and the senior officers.  zena.brabazon@haringey.gov.uk  Can't have contradictory information going round! My view is that the 2020 permits should be acceptable in 2021. It is fair, and that is what should be the most important thing to demonstrate to residents - that we are fair and not trying to make money! 


Zena Brabazon

Cllr, Harringay ward 



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